Matrox Maevex Video Over IP Bundle 사양 가이드

페이지 4
Distribute Multiple Full HD 1080p60 Video Streams over the Network 
Matrox Maevex units support cost-effective one-to-one unicast, multi-unicast, and one-to-many multicast streaming over a standard IP network, using off-the-shelf 
networking equipment. An integrated network switch on the Maevex Decoder enables Maevex daisy-chaining and/or network extension and can also provide a 
redundant network topology. When deploying Maevex Encoder and Decoder units, users can choose to encode as many streams as their network bandwidth can 
accommodate and have each Decoder configured to stream whatever Encoder content is desired. Leverage the Matrox Maevex Series’ ability to operate on a 
standard 10/100/1000Mb Ethernet network to create native networks—or extend existing ones.
Matrox PowerStream
The Matrox Maevex Series comes bundled with Matrox PowerStream—a robust software application that enables remote control and management 
of the entire Maevex network topology. Installed on a network PC, the command & control application supports a variety of features, making Maevex 
appliances entirely configurable, manageable, and updateable via the network and all from one or more central locations. PowerStream also allows Decoders to 
be assigned to streams. Maevex administrators can start and stop streams as well as balance image/stream quality and bit rate by managing a variety of encoding 
and decoding parameters. Easy adjustment of input and output resolutions and aspect ratios provide administrators with additional flexibility and control.