Mine Safety Appliances Company 10063188 사용자 설명서

페이지 28
The base station PC software allows for accountability of
firefighters or other personnel that do not have ICM TxR
Units installed on their SCBA.  The software allows for
helmet icons to be created representing these firefighters
or personnel.  These helmet icons can then be moved into
teams just like firefighters with ICM TxR Units.  
There cannot be any radio communication between the
base station and firefighters without ICM TxR Units
installed on their SCBA, but this allows for such personnel
to be accounted for.  The software can simulate the
breathing rate for a variety of cylinder types to help the
user of the PC software keep track of these firefighters’
estimated time remaining.   
Accountability of Firefighters without Telemetry
1.  Click the “New Person” button on the SCBA monitor-
ing window.
2.  A window will appear.
3.  Enter the name to be associated with this person in
the “Name” field.   
4.  Select the appropriate cylinder type and simulated air
usage rate.  
a. Click the arrow at the far right side of the “Cylinder
Type” field.  
b. A new window will appear with a list of default
cylinder pressures and pressure decay rates.  
c. Refer to the Configuring SCBA Monitoring Settings
section of this manual for additional information on
cylinder types and pressure decay rates.  
5.  Enter the starting pressure for the SCBA in the “Actual
Pressure” field.  The “1 2 3 …” button allows PCs with
touch screen capability to enter a pressure value with-
out using a keyboard. 
6.  Clicking “OK” will create a helmet icon for this fire-
fighter.  Notice that the helmet icon has a black box
on it.  This indicates that the simulated breathing for
this firefighter has not been started.  
7.  To START to simulate breathing for this firefighter, click
the GREEN “PLAY” icon   in the firefighter’s SCBA sta-
tistics window.  Notice that the black box on the hel-
met icon becomes a black triangle.  When the GREEN
arrow has been clicked, the starting pressure value will
be written to the incident report.  
8.  The pressure value can be updated or changed manu-
ally by double clicking the text field titled “PSI” (These
pressure changes will not be recorded in the incident
report file).
9.  To STOP simulated breathing for a firefighter without
telemetry, click the BLUE “PAUSE” icon in the fire-
fighter’s SCBA statistics window.  When the “pause”
icon has been clicked, the current simulated PSI value
will be written to the incident report.   
10. When the firefighter’s simulated cylinder pressure
reaches the low pressure alarm point, a pop-up alarm
window will appear.  
The simulation is an estimate and not actual time or
pressure. Failure to follow this warning can result in
serious personal injury or death.
Removing firefighters or other personnel from the
SCBA monitoring software
1.   To remove a manually created firefighter from the
SCBA monitoring window, double left click or right
click the appropriate helmet icon.
2.   A menu will appear.  Select “remove person”.  This will
remove the icon from the SCBA monitoring window.
Note:  The “remove person” feature can only be used to
remove icons corresponding to firefighters without
telemetry.  This feature will not remove firefighters with
ICM TxR Units installed unless the ICM TxR Unit has lost
radio contact with the base station.    
TAL 605 (L) Rev. 0 - 10068929