Outsource Industries Inc. OSIPSSLTX 사용자 설명서

페이지 66
 Chapter 4 
The Sound Localization Guidebook Prototype
The Sound Localization Guidebook Prototype
 Chapter 4 
Activity Four: Walking toward a sound source
The following conditions involve localizing a sound by 
walking an arbitrary distance to locate the position of the 
sound source. The distance a learner must walk to locate 
the sound source is left up to the instructor’s judgment.
If a learner has had little experience with this activity, 
starting at a distance of 5 feet and working up to
distances of 30 feet may be a successful approach. Skill
in localizing sound will increase with practice; therefore, 
the following conditions may be performed as many times 
as needed. However, do not be discouraged if a learner is 
less precise at farther distances. This is a natural outgrowth 
of the human perceptual system and takes much practice 
to counter.
  1.   Assume initial position: Learner stands facing sound 
source, a specifi c distance from sound source.
Instructor: “Walk to the sound.”
  2.   Have learner stand with sound source behind him, a 
specifi c distance from sound source.
Instructor: “Make a half-turn to the left/right; walk to
the sound.”
  3.   Have learner stand in front and equidistant from two 
sound sources (i.e., Place one sound source on the 
right and one sound source on the left).
Instructor: “Walk straight ahead until you are directly 
between the two sounds, then stop. Turn right and face that 
sound. Point at the sound, then walk to the sound.”
  4.   Repeat condition three by having learner turn left 
when he reaches the midpoint between the two 
sound sources.
  5.   Repeat condition three and four but eliminate the 
sound source opposite the direction in which the 
learner is turning.
Activity Five: Walking away from a sound source
Repeat each of the conditions in the previous activity by 
reversing each walking pattern.
  1.   Assume initial position: Learner stands with sound 
source behind him, a specifi c distance away from 
sound source.
Instructor: (Standing behind the learner and the sound 
source) “Walk straight away from the sound. Stop walking 
when I turn off the sound.”
  2.   Have learner stand facing sound source, a specifi c 
distance away from the sound source.
Instructor: “Turn around so that your back is facing the 
sound. Walk away from the sound. Stop walking when I turn 
off the sound.”
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