Bird Technologies Group 26076 사용자 설명서

페이지 24
Bird Technologies
Manual 7-9598-2.1
(Rough Draft)
          Page 19
addresses that are entered into the table should be
the IP addresses of the computers that you want
the traps to be sent to. These destination comput-
ers must have SNMP manager software installed
and running in order to receive the messages.
SNMP manager software installation into the desti-
nation computers is the customers responsibility.
Consult with your IT specialist for assistance.
Authentication type is used to verify that the person
receiving the trap is the person the trap is intended
for. Authentication type choices are NONE, MD5,
or SHA, with SHA being the strongest encryption
type. When using authentication and/or encryption
the User Name is the name of the person to
receive the trap. If not, this is the community name
of the trap receiver. The Password is a string used
to encrypt and authenticate the user. It is only used
when authentication and/or encryption types are
enabled. The Encryption type is used to protect the
contents of the message from unauthorized receiv-
ers. Encryption type choices are NONE, DES, or
AES, with AES being the strongest supported
encryption type.
The Agent ID is a value that uniquely identifies the
agent sending the traps. The agent is software
which runs on the device being monitored and in
this case is the signal booster. The SNMP man-
ager software receives the traps and can be run on
your computer or another server on your network.
For traps that use encryption and/or authentication
the manager needs to be configured to receive
traps from the specified agent ID. This number is
shown underneath the table, refer to figure 14.
Whenever values in the SNMP Configuration table
are changed you must click on the SAVE button to
initiate the changes.
When the booster is installed the SNMP feature
should be setup for proper communications. There
are several steps required for proper setup of the
SNMP feature as discussed below.
1) Connect a laptop directly to the booster. The
booster is shipped from the factory setup for
static IP addressing and with a default IP
address of “”. The factory default
subnet mask is “”. Change the
factory default IP address of the booster to one
provided by your IT department.
2) Use the Network Configuration submenu to
setup the DHCP as either active or inactive.
When DHCP is inactive the booster will be
using a static IP and the user must enter values
for IP address, netmask, and gateway. Make
sure you consult with your IT department
regarding setting DCHP active or inactive.
3) Use the SNMP Configuration table to enter the
destination device addresses. These are
addresses where the SNMP feature will send
trap messages whenever a qualifying event
takes place.
4) Setup the SNMP format using the SNMP Con-
figuration table. Items that need to be config-
ured include Authentication Type, User Name,
Password, and Encryption Type. Consult with
your IT specialist for assistance.
5) Load the SNMP manager software into the des-
tination computer and configure the manager so
that it will be able to receive the SNMP traps.
6) Download MIB files from the Bird Technologies
website ( and load the MIB files
Figure 14: SNMP configuration table.