Fujitsu DP050M33111A1 사용자 설명서

페이지 177
User’s Manual
Bitmapped font
A font in which the character images are defined by bit maps. With
bitmapped fonts, a separate set of definitions is required for each
point size. For example, Times 10 point and Times 12 point are
considered separate fonts. See also Scalable font.
A combination of settings that allows your computer and printer to
work together. Some of the necessary settings are in the computer or
application software, while other settings are in the printer. For
example, the interface setting must be set the same in both the
computer and the printer.
A setting automatically used when you or your application software
do not make a selection. The settings in effect when you turn on or
reset the printer are called power-on defaults. See also Factory default.
The darkness of the image as it appears on the page. If the density is
too dark, the small white areas inside letters and numbers will be
filled in. If the density is too light, pinholes appear in black areas.
Print density can be adjusted with the Quality menu in setup mode.
Downloadable font
A font that is transferred (downloaded) to the printer’s memory
when or before it is needed. Before they are transferred,
downloadable fonts are stored on font cards, floppy disks, or the
computer’s hard disk. Downloadable fonts are also called soft fonts.
The ability of one printer to understand the command set of another
printer. Emulations may be built into a printer’s memory or may be
supplied on optional plug-in emulation cards or cartridges.
A communication hardware for a high-speed network: developed by
Xerox Corporation.