Adobe CS5.5 65150263 사용자 설명서

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Adobe After Effects CS5.5 
What’s New
The Warp Stabilizer effect offers further refinements as well. You can raise or lower the default 
amount of smoothness, which has a direct effect on the amount of automatic scaling. In the 
advanced controls, you can control whether to create a smoother shot with more cropping, or 
reduce the amount of both cropping 
and scaling by reducing the overall 
degree of smoothing.
You also have control over image 
behavior at the borders. In some cases, 
reducing the amount of cropping and 
scaling will reveal blank space at the 
edges of the frame where there is no 
image data. When you choose the 
method called Stabilize And Synthesize 
Edges, the borders automatically are 
filled in using information from 
adjacent frames. In other cases you 
may prefer to crop without scaling or 
just to stabilize, leaving the gaps at the edge of frame in place.
Create soft-focus effects with Camera Lens Blur
Camera lens blur re-creates in post-production the (often beautiful, even fascinating) abstract 
characteristics that appear in the defocused areas of a camera image. With this effect, footage shot 
in perfect focus can take on the elegant attributes of a soft focus image. This realistic blur can be 
applied with the new Camera Lens Blur effect or generated automatically via Depth Of Field 
controls in the After Effects camera. 
In soft focus areas, Camera Lens Blur creates edge halos in the shape of the iris blades, just as a real, 
defocused camera lens does. The iris shape (from triangle up to decagon, representing the number 
of blades in the camera iris) determines the shape of a halo. Alongside this control are a number of 
other options to specify the exact characteristics of the iris.
You can also create bokeh effects when overbright highlights are present in 32 bpc mode. These 
occur in After Effects when you raise the intensity of 3D lights, or even more simply when you 
change the highlight gain, threshold, and saturation controls. These are useful to create realistic 
highlights, should you be working with source material without true over-range values.
If you use the After Effects camera depth-of-field settings with 3D layers, then the Depth of Field, 
Focus Distance, and Aperture settings work together just as in previous versions to allow full 
control over rack focus effects in actual 3D space. New options in the Camera section of the Layer 
menu allow you to link the Point Of Interest and Zoom Distance, to focus on a selected layer, or 
even to follow focus on an animated layer. The result of these changes is that the behavior—and 
therefore, the look—of shallow depth of field from the After Effects camera now more closely 
resembles those produced by a real camera.
With the Camera Lens Blur effect, a separate layer can serve as a map to create depth-of-field 
effects in a 2D scene. The effect can also be used without a map to defocus the entire scene 
equally. You can create rack focus effects by adjusting the focal distance setting, converting 
Warp Stabilizer displays progress (during analysis) and then control 
over the result.
What is parallax?
Parallax is the phenomenon 
which causes objects closer 
to a camera to move more, 
relative to the frame, than 
do items further away. It 
can also lead objects in 
frame to move in opposite 
directions; for example, 
if the camera revolves 
around a mid-ground 
subject, the foreground and 
background will move in 
opposite directions
Enabling depth-of-field blur with 
the After Effects camera activates 
camera blur controls, including Iris 
Shape. The amount of blur is 
determined by the focus distance 
and aperture settings.
What is bokeh?
Bokeh is a term originally coined
in Japan for the qualities of defo-
cused light areas as seen through
a lens. Points of light become
circles of confusion—bright
disks that take on the shape of
the camera iris—as seen in many
cinematic night shots. Although
occasionally regarded as a flaw,
bokeh more often is viewed as
a lovely and dvesirable way to
introduce visual interest using
shallow depth of field.