Intel i5-2510E FF8062700853304 사용자 설명서

제품 코드
페이지 181
Power Management
Package C0
The normal operating state for the processor. The processor remains in the normal 
state when at least one of its cores is in the C0 or C1 state or when the platform has 
not granted permission to the processor to go into a low power state. Individual cores 
may be in lower power idle states while the package is in C0.
Package C1/C1E
No additional power reduction actions are taken in the package C1 state. However, if 
the C1E sub-state is enabled, the processor automatically transitions to the lowest 
supported core clock frequency, followed by a reduction in voltage.
The package enters the C1 low power state when:
• At least one core is in the C1 state.
• The other cores are in a C1 or lower power state.
The package enters the C1E state when:
• All cores have directly requested C1E via MWAIT(C1) with a C1E sub-state hint.
• All cores are in a power state lower that C1/C1E but the package low power state is 
limited to C1/C1E via the PMG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL MSR.
• All cores have requested C1 using HLT or MWAIT(C1) and C1E auto-promotion is 
enabled in IA32_MISC_ENABLES.
No notification to the system occurs upon entry to C1/C1E.
Package C3 State
A processor enters the package C3 low power state when:
• At least one core is in the C3 state.
• The other cores are in a C3 or lower power state, and the processor has been 
granted permission by the platform. 
• The platform has not granted a request to a package C6 state but has allowed a 
package C6 state.
In package C3-state, the L3 shared cache is snoopable.
Package C6 State
A processor enters the package C6 low power state when:
• At least one core is in the C6 state.
• The other cores are in a C6 or lower power state, and the processor has been 
granted permission by the platform.
In package C6 state, all cores have saved their architectural state and have had their 
core voltages reduced to zero volts. The L3 shared cache is still powered and snoopable 
in this state. The processor remains in package C6 state as long as any part of the L3 
cache is active.