ZyXEL Prestige 660HW-D1 Wireless Router 91-004-593003B 사용자 설명서

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P-660H/HW-D Series User’s Guide
Chapter 5 WAN Setup
The following table describes the labels in this screen.  
Table 25   WAN Backup Setup
Backup Type 
Select the method that the ZyXEL Device uses to check the DSL connection. 
Select DSL Link to have the ZyXEL Device check if the connection to the DSLAM is 
up. Select ICMP to have the ZyXEL Device periodically ping the IP addresses 
configured in the Check WAN IP Address fields.
Check WAN IP 
Configure this field to test your ZyXEL Device's WAN accessibility. Type the IP 
address of a reliable nearby computer (for example, your ISP's DNS server 
Note: If you activate either traffic redirect or dial backup, you must 
configure at least one IP address here. 
When using a WAN backup connection, the ZyXEL Device periodically pings the 
addresses configured here and uses the other WAN backup connection (if 
configured) if there is no response.
Fail Tolerance
Type the number of times (2 recommended) that your ZyXEL Device may ping the 
IP addresses configured in the Check WAN IP Address field without getting a 
response before switching to a WAN backup connection (or a different WAN 
backup connection).
Recovery Interval  When the ZyXEL Device is using a lower priority connection (usually a WAN backup 
connection), it periodically checks to whether or not it can use a higher priority 
Type the number of seconds (30 recommended) for the ZyXEL Device to wait 
between checks. Allow more time if your destination IP address handles lots of 
Type the number of seconds (3 recommended) for your ZyXEL Device to wait for a 
ping response from one of the IP addresses in the Check WAN IP Address field 
before timing out the request. The WAN connection is considered "down" after the 
ZyXEL Device times out the number of times specified in the Fail Tolerance field. 
Use a higher value in this field if your network is busy or congested.
Traffic Redirect 
Traffic redirect forwards traffic to a backup gateway when the ZyXEL Device cannot 
connect to the Internet.
Active Traffic 
Select this check box to have the ZyXEL Device use traffic redirect if the normal 
WAN connection goes down.
Note: If you activate traffic redirect, you must configure at least one 
Check WAN IP Address.
This field sets this route's priority among the routes the ZyXEL Device uses. 
The metric represents the "cost of transmission". A router determines the best route 
for transmission by choosing a path with the lowest "cost". RIP routing uses hop 
count as the measurement of cost, with a minimum of "1" for directly connected 
networks. The number must be between "1" and "15"; a number greater than "15" 
means the link is down. The smaller the number, the lower the "cost".
Backup Gateway
Type the IP address of your backup gateway in dotted decimal notation. The ZyXEL 
Device automatically forwards traffic to this IP address if the ZyXEL Device's 
Internet connection terminates. 
Click Apply to save the changes. 
Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.