Kaspersky Lab Endpoint Security f/Business - Select, 250-499u, 1Y, UPG KL4863XATFU 사용자 설명서

제품 코드
페이지 4
eNDPOINt PrOteCtION Features:
frequent uPdAtes And siGnAture-bAsed 
Industry-proven traditional signature-based method for 
detecting malware threats.
behAViorAl AnAlysis PerforMed by 
systeM wAtCher
Delivers proactive protection against threats that have not 
yet been recorded in signature databases.
Cloud-Assisted ProteCtion
The Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) provides a response 
to suspected threats, much faster than traditional methods 
of protection. KSN’s response time to a malware threat can 
be as little as 0.02 seconds!
host-bAsed intrusion PreVention systeM (hiPs)  
with PersonAl firewAll
Predefined rules for hundreds of the most commonly used 
applications reduce time spent on configuring the firewall.
MOBIle seCurIty Features:
innoVAtiVe Anti-MAlwAre teChnoloGies
Combined signature-based, proactive and cloud-assisted 
detection results in real-time protection. A safe browser 
and anti-spam increase the security. 
dePloyMent with oVer the Air (otA) ProVisioninG
The ability to pre-configure and deploy applications 
centrally using SMS, email and PC.
reMote Anti-theft tools
SIM-Watch, Remote Lock, Wipe and Find all prevent 
unauthorized access to corporate data if a mobile device is 
lost or stolen.
APPliCAtion Control for Mobile deViCes
Monitors applications installed on a mobile device 
according to the pre-defined group policies. Includes a 
“Mandatory Application” group.
suPPort for eMPloyee owned deViCes
Corporate data and applications are isolated in encrypted 
containers which are transparent to the user. This data can 
be wiped separately. 
APPliCAtion Control
Enables IT administrators to set policies that allow, block or 
regulate applications (or application categories). 
web Control
Means that endpoint-based surfing controls follow the 
user — whether on the corporate network or roaming.
deViCe Control  
Allows users to set, schedule and enforce data policies with 
removable storage and other peripheral device controls — 
connected to USB or any other bus type.
dynAMiC whitelistinG
Real-time file reputations delivered by the Kaspersky 
Security Network ensure your approved applications are 
malware free and help maximize user productivity.
KEsb-s/Version 0.1/Nov12/global
not All feAtures Are AVAilAble on All PlAtforMs.   
For details, please consult www.kaspersky.com
one Management Console
From one ‘single pane of glass’, the administrator can view and manage the entire security scene — virtual 
machines, physical and mobile devices alike.
one security Platform
Kaspersky Lab developed our console, security modules and tools in-house rather than acquiring them from 
other companies. This means the same programmers working from the same codebase have developed 
technologies that talk together and work together. The result is stability, integrated policies, useful reporting 
and intuitive tools.
one Cost
All tools are from one vendor, delivered in one installation — so you don’t have to go through a new budgeting 
and justification process to bring your security risks in line with your business objectives.
the INDustry’s ONly true seCurIty PlatFOrM.
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