Adobe Flex Builder 2 + Charting (EN) Mac, TLP Commercial 1-1499 54021978TR 사용자 설명서

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Adobe Flex 2
• Enterprise data integration—The request/response model is sufficient for website browsing, 
but many applications require optimized high-performance data transfer as well as additional 
modes of interaction, including publish/subscribe messaging and the ability to push data or 
alerts from the server to the client.
• Support for disconnected computing—While wireless broadband has increased connectivity, business 
applications need to continue functioning when the network connection is lost temporarily, and many 
other applications must enable users to work offline and resynchronize their work when they 
• Security and reliability—Before organizations deliver critical applications using RIA technologies, 
they must be confident that the applications will be available when needed. Moreover, the runtime 
must ensure that data can be transferred securely, and the client “sandbox” must prevent users or 
third-party applications from accessing sensitive information without proper authorization.
While only some applications will require all of these capabilities, IT organizations that want to 
deploy RIA technology as a strategic platform—or even just minimize the number of one-off 
solutions deployed in their organization—should adopt client technology that can provide the 
full range of capabilities required by the SOC.
RIA development model
Of course, to adopt RIAs, organizations need technology and tools that make development and 
delivery efficient. Moreover, the new applications must extend existing investments in skills, 
processes, applications, and infrastructure. 
To be successful within today’s enterprise IT organization, RIA technology solutions must:
• Provide a familiar programming model—Application developers are constantly under 
pressure to deliver more with less. The RIA development environment must leverage existing 
skills and best practices, including the use of object-oriented languages for business logic and 
tag-based, declarative models for user interface layout.
• Leverage existing architecture—Organizations have invested heavily in application server  
technology and SOAs. Using and complying with this infrastructure is also a requirement  
for most organizations.
• Support standard protocols and application programming interfaces (APIs)—One of the 
many positive results of the web has been the adoption of a broad spectrum of standards across 
the entire technology stack. This includes, but is not limited to, industry standards, such as 
HTML/HTTP(S), XML, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)/web services, cascading style 
sheets (CSS), and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) as well as Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 
(Java EE)—formerly known as J2EE—and Microsoft .NET. Incorporating these standards, 
where appropriate, is a requirement for most organizations. 
• Follow common key design patterns—To increase both quality and modularity, development 
organizations are increasingly adopting common patterns like model-view-controller (MVC) 
as standard architectures for their applications. The RIA development models should build on 
this store of best practices and developer knowledge. 
• Integrate with existing processes—Development organizations have adopted source code 
control systems, automated testing suites, and other application lifecycle tools to increase 
efficiency and quality and reduce maintenance costs. An RIA development solution must fit 
into these existing processes and integrate with the tools already at use within the organization.
• Provide rich tooling—Developers spend a great deal of time coding and debugging application logic. 
Beyond an efficient development model, an RIA solution must include tools that can facilitate learning, 
automate common tasks, and reduce the amount of time developers spend finding and fixing bugs. At 
the same time, the development model must enable developers to continue using their existing editors 
for core code writing tasks.