Alcatel-Lucent ANT-2X2-5614 데이터 시트

페이지 2
Outdoor MIMO Antenna ANT-2x2-5614
Aruba Data Sheet
ArubA OutdOOr MIMO  
AntennA Ant-2x2-5614
ANT-2x2-5614 is a two-element 60-degree sector antenna for use in 802.11n MIMO mesh link applications. The antenna integrates 
two differently polarized elements, and provides coverage of the 4.9 - 5.875 GHz frequency band in a single antenna radome. Due to 
regulatory restrictions, this antenna is not certified for use in the North American markets. The 5614U or 5614L should be used instead. 
FreQuenCY / MAx GAIn
4.9 - 5.875 GHz (14 dBi)
Dual slant, +/- 45 degrees
E-plane: 14 degrees
H-plane: 60 degrees
50 ohms
MAxIMuM InPut POwer 
20 watts
VSwr (MInIMuM PerFOrMAnCe) 
< 1.8:1
AntennA PAtternS
270 x 103 x 35 mm (10.63” x 4.06” x 1.38”)
Shipping: 360 x 125 x 50 mm  
(14.17” x 4.92” x 1.97”)
650 g (1.43 ib)
N-type female (2x)
Note: RF cables not included.
OPerAtInG / StOrAGe teMP.  
-40° to +70° C
InStAllAtIOn hArdwAre
Kit for wall and pole mounting included. Elevation 
(vertical) angle is adjustable.
E-plane (side view) – 5.5 GHz
H-plane (top view) – 5.5 GHz