Gossen Metrawatt M817I Mains-analysis device, Mains analyser M817I 데이터 시트

제품 코드
페이지 32
Safety Summary 
WARNING statements inform the user that certain conditions  
or practices could result in loss of life or physical harm. 
CAUTION statements identify conditions or practices that could 
harm the instrument, its data, other equipment or property. 
NOTE statements call attention to specific information 
The following International Electrotechnical Commission  
(IEC) symbols are marked on the top and rear panel in  
the immediate vicinity of the referenced terminal or device: 
Caution, refer to accompanying documents (this reference 
guide and complete Users Guide 
Direct current (DC) operation of the terminal or device 
Power Switch 
Kurzanleitung für MAVOWATT 30, MAVOWATT 40, MAVOWATT 70
Seite 5