Texas Instruments LM3152 - RD-164 - Demonstration Board LM3152-3.3DEMO LM3152-3.3DEMO 데이터 시트

제품 코드
페이지 11
8.0 Quick Start
 This post is used to connect to the input voltage supply
rail. Input voltage ranges between 6V and 24V and the max
nominal input current is 6A. Appropriate leads should be con-
nected to this terminal that can handle this amount of input
current plus fault conditions which could have input currents
as high 10A peak. Therefore, it is recommended to use 16
gauge wire as a minimum for the input leads.
 There are two GND posts which are connected to the
ground of the IC. One should be used for the input voltage
supply and the other should be used for the output voltage.
The GND post closest to the input supply post Vin should be
used for the input supply ground, and likewise the GND post
closest to the output post Vo should be used for the Vo
ground. For the Vin ground connector lead it is recommended
to use 16 gauge wire or larger.  Whereas the output ground
connector lead is recommended to use 15 gauge wire or larg-
 This post connects to the output voltage of the
LM3152-3.3 Simple Controller.  When connecting the load to
this post, it is recommended to use 15 gauge wire or larger. 
The max average load current is designed for 10A with a cur-
rent limit of 15A using the Rdson of the low side FET to set
the current limit trip point.
 This post is connected to the enable pin of the
LM3152-3.3 IC.  When left floating a 1M
Ω pull-up resistor to
Vin will enable the device. 
To get an accurate measurement of the output ripple voltage
it is necessary to eliminate the long pig-tale from the scope
probe and use a short ground connector or just the shaft of
the barrel to connect to ground.  This will minimize parasitic
inductance from the scope probe and allow for a more accu-
rate measurement.  The output voltage ripple measurement
should be taken directly across the output capacitors.  As a
matter of convenience, the measurement can also be taken
across the output terminals if a ceramic 1µF capacitor is
mounted on Cf (1206 footprint) to minimize parasitic induc-
tance from the terminals to the output capacitors.
The temperature rise of each device was measured on the
case of each device in still air at room temperature.
9.0 Layouts
FIGURE 4. Top Layer
FIGURE 5. Bottom Layer