Testo ComSoft 3 0554 0830 데이터 시트

제품 코드
0554 0830
페이지 31
Error messages
Rename the location/folder and do not use these
Different names should be used when setting up new
instruments. The same names should not be used for
different instruments.
- You are trying to connect protocols using invalid data.
Overlapping time ranges cannot always be put together in
a common protocol.
Invalid name:
: !,?,*,:,\ cannot be used
in location and folder
An instrument setting
with this name is already
Please select a new
The time ranges overlap
• Check if instrument is switched on.
• Check connection cable.
This message appears if the PC program cannot
communicate with the connected measuring instrument or
if the measuring instrument does not respond.
- Is the instrument switched on?
- Has the instrument sufficient power?
- Is the connection cable connected?
- Is it the correct connection cable?
- Correct COM Port connection?
- You are trying to get an online measurement from an
instrument to which a probe is not connected.
- Connect the corresponding probes.
- Not all of the input variables for the function “...”
are contained in the measurement protocol. You have
selected a pre-defined function, which needs more or
other parameters than those included in the measurement
protocol e.g. you want to calculate the dew point, but only
the temperature is available, the humidity parameter is
The program does not allow you to simply delete full
folders. First delete the data or locations in the folder in
order to be able to delete the empty folders or delete the
folder in Windows Explorer.
- You want to delete a file, which is still open for editing.
Open files cannot be deleted.
- Close the file.
Error messages
Instrument is not
responding ...:
Your instrument has
indicated that probes are
not working
Measuring impossible.
The folder is not empty.
Not possible to delete:
Not possible to delete
Close and delete the file.