Atmel SAM4S Xplained Pro Starter and Evaluation Kit ATSAM4S-XPRO ATSAM4S-XPRO 데이터 시트

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페이지 1231
If the user specifies a shift, the shift is applied to the value in Rm, and the resulting 32-bit value is used by the 
instruction. However, the contents in the register Rm remains unchanged. Specifying a register with shift also 
updates the carry flag when used with certain instructions. For information on the shift operations and how they 
affect the carry flag, see Shift Operations
Register shift operations move the bits in a register left or right by a specified number of bits, the shift length
Register shift can be performed:
Directly by the instructions ASR, LSR, LSL, ROR, and RRX, and the result is written to a destination register
During the calculation of Operand2 by the instructions that specify the second operand as a register with 
shift. See 
. The result is used by the instruction.
The permitted shift lengths depend on the shift type and the instruction. If the shift length is 0, no shift occurs. 
Register shift operations update the carry flag except when the specified shift length is 0. The following 
subsections describe the various shift operations and how they affect the carry flag. In these descriptions, Rm is 
the register containing the value to be shifted, and n is the shift length.
Arithmetic shift right by n bits moves the left-hand 32-n bits of the register, Rm, to the right by n places, into the 
right-hand 32-n bits of the result. And it copies the original bit[31] of the register into the left-hand n bits of the 
result. See 
The ASR #n operation can be used to divide the value in the register Rm by 2
, with the result being rounded 
towards negative-infinity.
When the instruction is ASRS or when ASR #n is used in Operand2 with the instructions MOVS, MVNS, ANDS, 
ORRS, ORNS, EORS, BICS, TEQ or TST, the carry flag is updated to the last bit shifted out, bit[n-1], of the 
register Rm.
If n is 32 or more, then all the bits in the result are set to the value of bit[31] of Rm.
If n is 32 or more and the carry flag is updated, it is updated to the value of bit[31] of Rm.
Figure 12-8.
ASR #3
Logical shift right by n bits moves the left-hand 32-n bits of the register Rm, to the right by n places, into the right-
hand 32-n bits of the result. And it sets the left-hand n bits of the result to 0. See 
The LSR #n operation can be used to divide the value in the register Rm by 2
, if the value is regarded as an 
unsigned integer.
When the instruction is LSRS or when LSR #n is used in Operand2 with the instructions MOVS, MVNS, ANDS, 
ORRS, ORNS, EORS, BICS, TEQ or TST, the carry flag is updated to the last bit shifted out, bit[n-1], of the 
register Rm.
If n is 32 or more, then all the bits in the result are cleared to 0. 
If n is 33 or more and the carry flag is updated, it is updated to 0.