Atmel Evaluation Kit AT91SAM9X25-EK AT91SAM9X25-EK 데이터 시트

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페이지 1151
44.7.5 Frame Sync
The Transmitter and Receiver Frame Sync pins, TF and RF, can be programmed to generate different kinds of frame 
synchronization signals. The Frame Sync Output Selection (FSOS) field in the Receive Frame Mode Register 
(SSC_RFMR) and in the Transmit Frame Mode Register (SSC_TFMR) are used to select the required waveform. 
Programmable low or high levels during data transfer are supported. 
Programmable high levels before the start of data transfers or toggling are also supported. 
If a pulse waveform is selected, the Frame Sync Length (FSLEN) field in SSC_RFMR and SSC_TFMR programs the 
length of the pulse, from 1 bit time up to 256
bit time. 
The periodicity of the Receive and Transmit Frame Sync pulse output can be programmed through the Period Divider 
Selection (PERIOD) field in SSC_RCMR and SSC_TCMR.  Frame Sync Data
Frame Sync Data transmits or receives a specific tag during the Frame Sync signal.
During the Frame Sync signal, the Receiver can sample the RD line and store the data in the Receive Sync Holding 
Register and the transmitter can transfer Transmit Sync Holding Register in the Shifter Register. The data length to be 
sampled/shifted out during the Frame Sync signal is programmed by the FSLEN field in SSC_RFMR/SSC_TFMR and 
has a maximum value of 16.
Concerning the Receive Frame Sync Data operation, if the Frame Sync Length is equal to or lower than the delay 
between the start event and the actual data reception, the data sampling operation is performed in the Receive Sync 
Holding Register through the Receive Shift Register.
The Transmit Frame Sync Operation is performed by the transmitter only if the bit Frame Sync Data Enable (FSDEN) in 
SSC_TFMR is set. If the Frame Sync length is equal to or lower than the delay between the start event and the actual 
data transmission, the normal transmission has priority and the data contained in the Transmit Sync Holding Register is 
transferred in the Transmit Register, then shifted out.  Frame Sync Edge Detection
The Frame Sync Edge detection is programmed by the FSEDGE field in SSC_RFMR/SSC_TFMR. This sets the 
corresponding flags RXSYN/TXSYN in the SSC Status Register (SSC_SR) on frame synchro edge detection (signals 
44.7.6 Receive Compare Modes
Figure 44-12.Receive Compare Modes  Compare Functions
Length of the comparison patterns (Compare 0, Compare 1) and thus the number of bits they are compared to is defined 
by FSLEN, but with a maximum value of 16 bits. Comparison is always done by comparing the last bits received with the 
comparison pattern. Compare 0 can be one start event of the Receiver. In this case, the receiver compares at each new 
sample the last bits received at the Compare 0 pattern contained in the Compare 0 Register (SSC_RC0R). When this 
start event is selected, the user can program the Receiver to start a new data transfer either by writing a new Compare 0, 
or by receiving continuously until Compare 1 occurs. This selection is done with the bit (STOP) in SSC_RCMR.
Up to 16 Bits
(4 in This Example)