Atmel Evaluation Kit AT91SAM9G25-EK AT91SAM9G25-EK 데이터 시트

제품 코드
페이지 1165
Functional Description
36.6.1 TC Description
The six channels of the Timer Counter are independent and identical in operation. The registers for channel 
programming are listed in 
36.6.2 32-bit Counter 
Each channel is organized around a 32-bit counter. The value of the counter is incremented at each positive edge of the 
selected clock. When the counter has reached the value 0xFFFF and passes to 0x0000, an overflow occurs and the 
COVFS bit in TC_SR (Status Register) is set.
The current value of the counter is accessible in real time by reading the Counter Value Register, TC_CV. The counter 
can be reset by a trigger. In this case, the counter value passes to 0x0000 on the next valid edge of the selected clock.
36.6.3 Clock Selection
At block level, input clock signals of each channel can either be connected to the external inputs TCLK0, TCLK1 or 
TCLK2, or be connected to the internal I/O signals TIOA0, TIOA1 or TIOA2 for chaining by programming the TC_BMR 
(Block Mode). See 
Each channel can independently select an internal or external clock source for its counter:
External clock signals: XC0, XC1 or XC2
This selection is made by the TCCLKS bits in the TC Channel Mode Register.
The selected clock can be inverted with the CLKI bit in TC_CMR. This allows counting on the opposite edges of the 
The burst function allows the clock to be validated when an external signal is high. The BURST parameter in the Mode 
Register defines this signal (none, XC0, XC1, XC2). See 
In all cases, if an external clock is used, the duration of each of its levels must be longer than the master clock 
period. The external clock frequency must be at least 2.5 times lower than the master clock