Futaba Hendheld RC 2.4 GHz No. of channels: 14 1-F8075 데이터 시트

제품 코드
페이지 168
The various functions used in the T14SG can 
be activated by a switch. For the purposes of this 
manual, a stick position, VR position, etc. shall be 
commonly referred to as a switch in all cases.  That 
(Switch selection screen example)
When switch is selected
When switch was selected, ON/OFF position 
setting is also performed.
*The ON/OFF setting state of each position is displayed.
1. When you want to change the ON/OFF
setting, use the touch sensor to move the
cursor and touch the RTN button to switch
to the data input mode. Switch the ON/
Off display by scrolling the touch sensor.
*ON/OFF display blinks.
3.  When  the  RTN  button  is  touched,  the
ON/OFF setting is changed. (Touch the S1
button to stop the change.)
4. To return to the preceeding screen, move
the cursor to the [ON/OFF] at the top of
the screen and touch the RTN button.
When stick, trim lever, or knob selected
When a stick, trim lever, or knob is used as a 
switch, two operation modes can be selected:
1. When you want to change the mode,
move  the  cursor  to  [MODE]  item  and
touch  the  RTN  button  to  switch  to  the
data  input  mode.  Switch  the  display
to  the  mode  you  want  to  change  by
scrolling the touch sensor and then make
the change by touching the RTN button.
 ●Mode: [LIN]/[SYM]
*Set the ON/Off point by the method described on the next page.
Switch selection
1. Use the touch sensor to move the cursor
(highlights)  to  the  switch  you  want  to
select and touch the RTN button.
*The switch blinks.
2. To return to the preceeding screen, move
the cursor to the [H/W SELECT] at the top
of the screen and touch the RTN button.
 Or, move the cursor to the [ON/OFF] and
call the ON/OFF position setting screen by
touching the RTN button.
Alternate mode setting
 ●ALTERNATE mode: [OFF]/[ON]
1. Move the cursor to the [ALTERNATE] item
and touch the RTN button to switch to the
data input mode.
2. Change to the mode you want to set by
scrolling the touch sensor.
*The mode display blinks.
3. Touch the RTN button. (Touch the S1 button
to stop the change.)
4. To return to the preceeding screen, move
the cursor to the [ON/OFF] at the top of the
screen and touch the RTN button.
Switch Setting Method
Switch selection
When a switch is selected at a mixing function, etc., the selection screen shown below is called.
is, whenever the manual indicates that something is 
operated via a switch, it is possible for the user to 
activate this setting via a stick, stick position, etc.