Intel 1.40 GHz RH80532NC017256 데이터 시트

제품 코드
페이지 98
Mobile Intel
Processor (0.13 µ)  
Micro-FCBGA and Micro-FCPGA Packages Datasheet 
298517-006 Datasheet 
The BCLK and BCLK# signals determines the system bus frequency.  
On systems with Differential Clocking, both system bus agents must receive these signals to drive their 
outputs and latch their inputs on the BCLK rising edge and BCLK# falling edge. All external timing 
parameters are specified with respect to the crossing point of the BCLK rising edge and BCLK# falling 
On systems with Single Ended Clocking, both system bus agents must receive the BCLK signal to drive 
their outputs and latch their inputs on the BCLK rising edge. All external timing parameters are specified 
with respect to the BCLK signal. The BCLK# signal functions as the CLKREF input. 
The BERR# (Bus Error) signal is asserted to indicate an unrecoverable error without a bus protocol 
violation. It may be driven by either system bus agent and must be connected to the appropriate 
pins/balls of both agents, if used. However, the Mobile Intel Celeron Processors do not observe 
assertions of the BERR# signal. 
BERR# assertion conditions are defined by the system configuration. Configuration options enable the 
BERR# driver as follows: 
•  Enabled or disabled 
•  Asserted optionally for internal errors along with IERR# 
•  Asserted optionally by the request initiator of a bus transaction after it observes an error 
•  Asserted by any bus agent when it observes an error in a bus transaction 
The BINIT# (Bus Initialization) signal may be observed and driven by both system bus agents and must 
be connected to the appropriate pins/balls of both agents, if used. If the BINIT# driver is enabled during 
the power-on configuration, BINIT# is asserted to signal any bus condition that prevents reliable future 
If BINIT# is enabled during power-on configuration, and BINIT# is sampled asserted, all bus state 
machines are reset and any data which was in transit is lost. All agents reset their rotating ID for bus 
arbitration to the state after reset, and internal count information is lost. The L1 and L2 caches are not 
If BINIT# is disabled during power-on configuration, a central agent may handle an assertion of BINIT# 
as appropriate to the Machine Check Architecture (MCA) of the system. 
BNR# (I/O - AGTL) 
The BNR# (Block Next Request) signal is used to assert a bus stall by any bus agent that is unable to 
accept new bus transactions. During a bus stall, the current bus owner cannot issue any new transactions. 
Since multiple agents may need to request a bus stall simultaneously, BNR# is a wired-OR signal that 
must be connected to the appropriate pins/balls of both agents on the system bus. In order to avoid wire-
OR glitches associated with simultaneous edge transitions driven by multiple drivers, BNR# is activated 
on specific clock edges and sampled on specific clock edges.