Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet 사용자 가이드

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Barnes & Noble NOOK Tablet User Guide 
You can tell which panel you’re viewing by looking at the panel indicator at the top of the screen. The panel indica-
tor is a row of three little circles, each representing a Home Screen panel. One dot will be solid white, and that dot’s 
position indicates which of the three panels you’re currently viewing: left, center, or right.
Swipe your finger left or right across the screen to move from one panel to another.
On the left panel of the Home Screen, you’ll notice that the leftmost circle in the panel indicator is filled in solid white, 
indicating that you’re viewing the left panel.
On the right panel, the rightmost circle in the panel indicator is solid white. 
Notice that the Home Screen and the Daily Shelf scroll independently of each other. Notice also that the Keep Read-
ing pull-down menu, located in the upper right corner, is visible on all three panels of the Home Screen.
The Keep Reading Menu and the More Menu
In the upper left corner of the Home Screen, you’ll see the words Keep Reading followed by the name of the book 
or periodical you were most recently reading. If you haven’t read any books or periodicals yet, Keep Reading will be 
followed by None.
To see a longer list of your recent reads, open the Keep Reading menu by tapping the word More in the upper right 
corner of the screen. This menu offers you easy access to the books, periodicals, and files you have read most re-
cently. The menu lists:
•  Titles and authors of the three most recent books you have read.
•  Titles and publication dates of the three most recent periodicals you have read.
•  Titles and file types of the three most recent files you have opened in the My Files folder.
•  Three Netflix recommendations, along with a login link for Netflix if you are not currently logged in.
•  If you are logged in to Netflix, the menu lists three recommendations based on your Netflix queue.
•  If you have not logged in, the menu lists three recommendation for popular movies and TV shows.
If you haven’t read any content in one of these categories, that category will not appear in the menu. For example, if 
you haven’t read any newspapers, yet, the More menu will omit its newspapers section.
Once the menu is open, tapping on a title in the menu opens that book, periodical, or file you selected.
Optionally, you can close the menu without making a selection by tapping on the up arrow at the bottom of the list 
of items.
The background of the Home Screen is a wallpaper image. The same wallpaper appears on all three panels.
Your NOOK includes several wallpaper patterns you can choose from to customize the appearance of the Home 
Screen. You can also upload images and photos to your NOOK and select one of your own images or photos to use 
as the Home Screen’s wallpaper. 
You can change the wallpaper from the Home Screen, as described below, or from the Settings screen. If you select 
an image from your NOOK Photo Gallery, you have the option of cropping the image for use as wallpaper.