WordPress WordPress 사용자 설명서

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WordPress User Manual for Beginners 
5.3 Managing Options and Settings 
The WordPress software allows you to control many settings on your website. Click 
on Settings, and you will see seven tabs, within which you can change many 
options. Most are clearly explained on the control panels, but for extra detail we 
believe you may find useful see below: 
General allows you to set the title of your website, its tagline, URI (the web address) 
information and date representation. 
Writing: Here you can set the various options surrounding how you can write posts. 
It also allows you to create a secret email address to which you can send new 
entries for your site – this can be good if you need to update the site from difficult 
locations or via a smartphone. 
Reading: This shows settings for reading the website – for example how many posts 
will be shown at a time on a page. It also sets options for syndication – this is a 
system that allows people to use readers to access your information remotely. 
Discussion: Here you will set options relating to how people can make comments, 
for example whether the comments need authorising before showing on the site 
(advisable to prevent comment spam), the default comment settings for articles, and 
so on. 
Privacy This sets up how the site is seen by search engines. However, hiding from 
Google doesn’t mean every search engine will skip you – some aren’t very good at 
using these settings and still go ahead – the result is that you can still be indexed – 
so your content isn’t ever 100% private. 
Permalinks are a way of structuring your website so that the address to an article 
makes some sense to humans and search engines. So instead of 
www.website.com/?p=101 the permalink could read 
www.website.com/index.php/news-feature as defined in the post's 
slug (created when writing, or automatically from the title). You may need to modify a 
file on your system called .htaccess – if in doubt, simply ask your administrator or 
friendly techie to help 

Miscellaneous: In miscellaneous you can set the uploads folder and whether to 
organise uploads by month and year.