VeriFone PCC-5-7-1h 사용자 설명서

페이지 219
PCCharge versions 5.6 and later record the “status” of a transaction in the 
PCCharge database. For example, successfully settled Sale transactions are 
recorded as “settled”, and declined transactions are recorded as being 
Versions of PCCharge earlier than 5.6 did not record the status of a transaction. 
Newer versions of PCCharge cannot determine the status of these older 
transactions, and therefore cannot determine whether these transactions are 
ready for archiving. 
If you DO NOT check this box, PCCharge will only archive those transactions 
that are post-5.6 and that are older than the Keep Transactions date.  
If you DO check the box labeled Archive Pre 5.6 TransactionsPCCharge will 
archive pre-5.6 transactions (even though it cannot determine their status). If you 
decide to check this box, we HIGHLY  recommend that first you back up your 
PCCharge directory. Secondly, use the reports and make sure that there are no 
open Pre-Auths awaiting a Post-Auth. Settle/close any open batches. You may 
then proceed with archiving pre-5.6 transactions 
5. By 
PCCharge deposits database archives into the backup directory in the 
main  PCCharge directory as displayed in the field Archive Location. Most users 
should accept this default, but you may specify a different directory by typing it in, or 
by using the Browse Location button.  
PCCharge will not archive transactions that are older than the value in the box labeled 
Keep Transactions. By default, this amount is 90 days. Most users should accept this 
default, but you may specify a different length of time by specifying it in the box 
labeled Keep Transactions, or by using the Browse Calendar button. Note that this 
does not set an absolute date (like October 9
, 1974); it only is a reference for 
selecting a relative date (like 30 days). 
Even if you set Keep Transactions to  0,  PCCharge will not archive 
those transactions that are awaiting settlement. 
7.  You may safely ignore the lower half of this window (Transaction Purge 
Configuration) for now, since it's explained later in this manual.  
PCCharge's Transaction Database Archive functionality is now set up. The following 
section gives instructions on to use Transaction Database Archiving
Using Transaction Database Archiving 
No matter what you select in the Transaction Archive window, 
PCCharge does not automatically archive the database. Instead, PCCharge will 
warn you during startup if the conditions you specify in this window are met. You 
can also click the Archive button in the Transaction Archive window to have 
PCCharge archive the database.