RuggedCom Welder RS400 사용자 설명서

페이지 275
Multicast Filtering 
ROS™  v3.5 
Synopsis: { Normal, Medium, High, Crit } 
Default: Normal
Specifies what Class Of Service is assigned to the multicast group frames 
Synopsis: Any combination of numbers valid for this parameter 
Default: None
Ports to which the multicast group traffic is forwarded. 
8.2.3  Viewing IP Multicast Groups 
Figure 141: IP Multicast Groups Table 
Synopsis: 0 to 65535 
VLAN Identifier of the VLAN upon which the multicast group operates. 
IP Address 
Synopsis: ###.###.###.###  where ### ranges from 0 to 255 
Multicast group IP address 
Joined Ports 
Synopsis: Any combination of numbers valid for this parameter 
All ports that subscribed to the multicast group traffic. 
Router Ports 
Synopsis: Any combination of numbers valid for this parameter 
All ports that have been manually configured or dynamically discovered (by observing router 
specific traffic) as ports that link to multicast routers. 
MAC Address 
Synopsis: ##-##-##-##-##-##  where ## ranges 0 to FF 
Multicast MAC address corresponding to the group multicast IP address.