Thiel Audio Products CS6 사용자 설명서

페이지 12
6000 cu ft (20 ft x 30 ft with a 10 ft ceiling) will usually require twice the average power. If the listening room is
connected to another room by a large open area, the required power will increase—but not by the amount of the
combined room volume. If the room has a “dropped” ceiling with lightweight panels, the ceiling will be almost
transparent acoustically. In this case the space above the ceiling should be added. If the panels are heavy they will
act more like a solid ceiling.
With all this in mind, a person who likes to play music only at lower levels, has a small room, and who has
fairly efficient speakers can get the performance desired with only 20 watts; whereas, a person who sometimes likes
to play loudly, has low efficiency speakers, and a large room may need 300 watts.
It is important to have enough power to play at the volume level you desire without distortion. If you play the
speakers more loudly than the volume the amplifier can cleanly produce, the amplifier will produce overload
(clipping) distortion. The sound will become compressed, strained, and in extreme cases, obviously distorted. This
distortion is actually non-musical additional energy and since it is concentrated in the high frequency region where
the speaker is least able to handle it, the tweeter’s voice coil can be burned in extreme cases. Driver damage in
general is usually the result of having inadequate power rather than having too much. If your system does not play
as loudly as you would like without becoming distorted, you need a more powerful amplifier.
Remember that how loud your system plays has nothing to do with the position of your volume knob. Source
components such as CD players and tape decks, as well as recordings themselves, can all have different output
levels. This means that to achieve the same volume level for each source, your preamp’s volume control may need to
be set at a different position for each source.  For example, when some high output CD players are used with lower
power amplifiers, clipping can be reached with a volume knob setting as low as 4 on a scale of 10.
The cabinets possess a high quality lacquer finish that is both beautiful and durable. However, any wood finish can
be damaged by excessive moisture, dryness, or direct sunlight.
When cleaning your speakers, avoid using oils, waxes, or polishes that contain silicone. We recommend
Endust. Dusty grilles can be cleaned by using the upholstery attachment of a vacuum cleaner.
If your CS6s require service, contact your authorized 
THIEL dealer. Factory service information and technical
support is available by calling 606/254-9427, Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.