Mitel GPS Orion-S/-HD Receiver 사용자 설명서

페이지 54
Document Title: 
User’s  Manual for the GPS Orion-S/-HD Receiver 
Document No. 
Issue 1.0 
June 22, 2003 
 DLR/GSOCNo part of this document shall be reproduced in any form or disclosed to third parties without prior authorization. 
F43 – Channel Status 
The F43 message indicates the current tracking status of each channel. It provides informa-
tion on the predicted and measured Doppler shift, the signal-to-noise ratio and the currently 
achieved lock status. The time tag of the channel status message refers to the instance of 
message generation and is typically 0.2 s late with respect to the navigation and raw data 
time tag. 
MsgID  Chars. 
 Channel status 
1 x 
3 xxx 
Message Id (=F43) 
4 xxxx 
GPS week 
8 xxxxxx.x 
GPS seconds of week [s] (at message generation time) 
2 xx 
GPS-UTC [s] 
4 xxxx 
Almanac week 
6 xxxxxx 
Time of applicability [s] 
2 xx 
PRN of last almanac frame 
1 x 
Track mode (1=HighElev,2=SatSel,3=ColdStart) 
1 x 
Navigation status (0=no-Nav,2=3D-Nav) 
2 xx 
Number of tracked satellites  
 Repeated for each of 12 channels 
2 xx 
6 sxxxxx 
  Satellite Doppler (predicted) [Hz] 
6 sxxxxx 
  NCO [Hz] 
1 x 
1 x 
  Lock indicator (c,C,B,F/f) 
2 xx 
  Carrier-to-noise ratio C/N
 [db-Hz] (Orion-S) or 
  Signal-to-noise ratio SNR [db] (Orion-HD) 
2 xx 
1 x 
The lock indicators have the following meaning: 
Code lock has been achieved 
Carrier lock has been achieved  
Bit lock has been achieved 
F/f  Frame lock has been achieved 
After successful completion of the code search, the receiver locks to the carrier fre-
quency using a frequency-locked loop (FLL). It transitions to the phase-locked loop 
(PLL) once the bit synchronization has been achieved and further synchronizes the 
tracking to the frame start of the GPS navigation data stream. Measurements are 
typically collected after acquisition of full frame lock, but a “fast lock” mode is also 
available. It provides valid measurements if only code and carrier lock have been 
achieved so far on the specific channel, auxiliary synchronization information can be 
derived from a current (or recent) navigation solution.  
The occurrence of a lower case “f” value for the lock status indicates that the receiver 
has adjusted the measured phase on this channel by half a cycle to ensure a consis-
tent relation between carrier phase, data bit and frame header words across all chan-
nels and different receivers. Resolution of the half-cycle ambiguity is presently only 
provided for the Orion-S version. 
The Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR, in [dB]) measures the ratio of the post-correlation IQ-
vector power (obtained from 1 ms accumulations) and the predicted noise power for a 
random input signal (assuming nominal AGC operation). The Carrier-to-noise ratio 
 in [db-Hz]), in contrast measures the post-correlation carrier-to-noise ratio in a 
1 Hz bandwidth and is obtained from the statistical distribution of wideband (1 ms)