Measurement Specialties 9116 사용자 설명서

페이지 143
Pressure Systems, Inc.                                                                                        Model 9116 User’s Manual 
Page 94 
Re-zero Calibration Summary 
Following is a simple, step-by-step procedure for executing a Re-zero calibration of a Model  
 Intelligent Pressure Scanner. Optional commands are shown within brackets [ ]. 
Model 9116 Command 
Disable automatic valve shifting after module power up. 
Ensure valves in RUN/CAL mode (default) 
…  normal data acquisition 
Apply 0.0 psi differential  to the module CAL and CAL REF 
Place the module calibration manifolds into the CAL position 
[if w0B01 command executed in Step 1] 
Delay for settling of pneumatic inputs 
Verify that measured data reads near expected zero value 
Instruct module to calculate new offset coefficients for all 16 
channels of Model 9116 
Place calibration manifold back into the RUN position [if 
w0B01 command executed in Step 1] 
Store new offset coefficients to transducer nonvolatile 
… continue normal data acquisition 
4.3 Span 
For improved accuracy, Model 9116 Intelligent Pressure Scanners are capable of 
independently performing a transducer calibration function, referred to as Span adjustment (or 
simply Span Cal).  Actually, there is a provision to supply any suitable “upscale” pressure (e.g., 
actual transducer full-scale) during such a calibration adjustment.  The Span adjustment 
calibration will result in a recalculated “gain” coefficient for each channel being calibrated, to 
compensate for any transducer or module gain errors.  For best results, a Re-zero calibration 
should be performed before performing a span calibration. Also, note that a  new and improved 
Multi-Point Calibration function exists.  This function integrates the separate calibration 
functions (for Re-zero and Span adjustment described in Section 4.2 and this section) into a 
single function that adjusts both “offset” and “gain” coefficients at the same time, using two or 
 calibration points. Details of using this improved calibration function are described in 
Section 4.4.