ITT Rule IDL Version 7.0 사용자 설명서

페이지 430
Chapter 2: iTool System Architecture
Overview of the iTool System Architecture
iTool Developer’s Guide
Overview of the iTool System Architecture
The iTool system architecture is designed to maintain a separation between the 
functionality provided by an iTool and the graphical presentation layer that reveals 
that functionality to an iTool user (the iTool user interface). Such a separation allows 
for the creation of different user interfaces for the same underlying functionality; 
while the initial iTool user interface has been created using IDL widgets, it is easy to 
imagine using other technologies to create an interface to the underlying iTool 
To support the goal of enabling different user interfaces for a given set of iTool 
functionality, the iTool architecture includes the following features:
A design in which a single iTool object (based on the IDLitTool class) contains 
all non-interactive tool functionality. Similarly, a single iTool object (based on 
the IDLitUI class) contains all user interface functionality. This division is 
clearly visible in the 
An object identifier system that provides a platform-neutral way to identify 
objects across process and machine boundaries. Additionally, the object 
identifier system is designed to work with existing component technologies 
such as COM and Java.
A minimal connection between the non-interactive tool functionality and the 
presentation layer. The tool architecture provides a small set of highly abstract 
methods that the tool and presentation layer use to communicate with each 
other. This minimal connection means that the presentation layer needs only a 
single object reference to the iTool object itself.
messaging system that allows one component to observe another, receiving 
notification messages when the observed component changes in some way.
 describes some of the core ideas of the iTool system: component 
inheritance, object identifiers, the iTool system object and the object hierarchy it 
contains, the concept of registration, and how information is passed between iTool 