Compex Technologies NetPassage 15B 사용자 설명서

페이지 54
Chapter 3 Configuring NetPassage 15B
DHCP Start IP Address
This is the first IP address where the built-in DHCP
server of NetPassage 15B assigns. It should be in the
same subnet as your NetPassage 15B. For example, if
the IP address and network mask of your NetPassage
15B is and respectively,
the DHCP Start IP Address should be 192.168.168.X
DHCP End IP Address
This is the last IP address where the built-in DHCP
server of NetPassage 15B assigns. It should be in the
same subnet as your NetPassage 15B. For example, if
the IP address and network mask of your NetPassage
15B is and respectively,
the DHCP End IP Address should be 192.168.168.X
Always use these DNS servers
This checkbox is associated with the built-in DHCP
Server of NetPassage 15B. If this box is “checked”, the
built-in DHCP Server will configure the DNS
information of the computers. If this box is NOT
“checked”, you need to manually configure the DNS
information in every computer in the network.
Primary DNS IP Address
If the Always use these DNS servers checkbox is
“checked”, fill in an IP address of a DNS server. This
information is normally provided by your ISP.
Secondary DNS IP Address
This field contains the IP address of a secondary DNS
server (optional)
DHCP Server
Enable or disable the DHCP server. If you disable the
DHCP server, you need to manually configure the
TCP/IP of every computer in the network.
4. Press the Save button followed by Reboot button to complete the process.
Advanced Option for DHCP Server
You may configure the built-in DHCP Server of NetPassage 15B to release a specific IP
address to a specific computer via the web-based configuration interface. You may also
view the IP releases online.
To reserve IP addresses for specific computers:
1. Press the Dhcp Server Reservations button from the LAN Setup window shown in
Figure 3.1.1-1. The configuration window for DHCP server reservation will be
displayed, as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1.