Casio Disc Title Printer 사용자 매뉴얼

페이지 66
About the Bundled CD-ROM ................................................ 3
Handling Precautions ........................................................ 3
Storage Precautions ......................................................... 3
Using this Manual ................................................................. 4
Button Operations ............................................................. 4
How to use this Manual ........................................................ 5
Features ................................................................................. 6
Label Making Overview
Label Creation Basics ......................................................... 10
To create a label .............................................................. 10
To print a label ................................................................. 14
To save label data ........................................................... 17
To quit the DISC TITLE PRINTER application ................ 17
Label Making with Preset Templates
Automated Label Layout .................................................... 18
Using the Assistant Feature .............................................. 20
Using the Assistant Screen ............................................. 20
Using the Main Window ...................................................... 21
Importing Text  Data ............................................................. 23
Importing CD-Text Data for a Music Label ...................... 23
Importing Windows Media Player Data for a Music Label ..... 25
Importing iTunes Data for a Music Label ......................... 26
Importing Easy CD Creator Data for a Music Label ........ 27
Importing File and Folder Name
for a Data Label or Digital Image Label ...................... 28
Useful Text Input Functions ............................................... 30
Saving Label Data ............................................................... 31
Opening a Label Data File .................................................. 32
Creating a Data Index File .................................................. 33
Configuring Layout Settings .............................................. 34
To configure layout settings ............................................. 34
Configuring Text Layout Settings ..................................... 35
Configuring Font Settings .................................................. 37
Inserting an Image into a Label ......................................... 39
To input an image from a file ........................................... 39
Capturing a PC Screen Image ........................................ 39
Controlling the Aspect Ratio of an Image ....................... 41
About color images... ...................................................... 42
Original Label Making
Creating an Original Label Layout ..................................... 44
Free Text Label Template Main Window .......................... 45
Free Design Label Template Main Window ..................... 45
Free Design and Free Text Template Main Windows ...... 46
Toolbars ........................................................................... 46
Configuring Font Settings
(Free Text Template, Free Design Template) ................. 48
Inserting a Label Background Image
(Free Text Template) ........................................................ 49
Fields (Free Design Template) ........................................... 50
Field Types ...................................................................... 50
Common Text Field and Image Field Operations ............ 50
Inputting Text into a Text Field (Free Design Template) ... 51
To input text manually ..................................................... 51
To input text imported from a file ..................................... 51
To configure font settings for the text in a field ................ 52
To delete a text field ........................................................ 52