Avaya Bogen APS Custom 빠른 설정 가이드

페이지 75
Follow  this  pro c e d u re  until  all  special  announcements  are  re c o rded.    If  these  special 
announcements have not been re c o rded, the APS Custom uses the pre - re c o rded prompts list-
ed above.  For more information, see Section 5.2.2, Administering Announcements.
There are four components for configuring the Overhead Paging functions of the PBX (see
Figure 3-4).
PA Access Code
Access Delay
Generate Pre-Announce Tone
Repeat Page
The PA Access Code field identifies a code of up to seven digits for engaging Overhead
Paging.  A ‘D’ within the string represents a delay as specified in the Access Delay field.
Access Delay defines the number of seconds re p resented by the ‘D’ within the PA Access Code.
The PCI automatically inserts the ‘D’ at the end of the Overhead Paging Access String.  To insert
additional delays (i.e., if DTMF is re q u i red to select a specific zone), insert a ‘D’ in the appro-
priate spot in the PA Access Code.  The access delay can be 1 to 9 seconds. 
Generate Pre-Announce Tone is available as a selectable field that instructs the APS Custom to
i n s e rt  a  tone  between  overhead  pages.    The  tone  is  played  when  two  or  more  overh e a d
announcements are queued in the same time period.  The system defaults to Pre-Announce To n e
o ff.  To activate the Pre-Announce Tone, check the box.
Repeat Page is a selectable field that instructs the APS Custom to repeat the overhead
page automatically when selected.  The system defaults to Repeat Page off.  To activate
Repeat Page, check the box.
3 • 9
Co n f i g u r i n g  W i d e   A r ea   P ag i n g
The Outside Line field within the Wide Area Paging box (see Figure 3-4) enables you to
specify the number(s), often a ‘9’, necessary to dial outside of the PBX.  A string of up to
four digits can be entered in this field.
C o n f ig u r i n g   L oc a l   W i r e l e s s   P ag i n g
To use local wireless paging with the APS Custom, you need to specify the type of trans-
mitter being used.  Select “XMT #2” in the transmitter box of the Local Wireless Paging
section (see Figure 3-4, PBX Parameters Screen).
There is also an option to Enable Carrier Detect.  The Carrier Detect option enables the
Wave Ware Transmitter to search for other activity on the frequency.  If there is none, the
page will be sent.  If so, it will wait for clearance and then send the page.  The default for
this option is disabled (i.e., no carrier detect).  
NOTE: When the Carrier Detect option is off, pages may be affected by frequency
interference or not detected.
NOTE: The Carrier Detect option assists with paging when two APS Custom 
units, or other transmitter devices, are located in close enough proximity 
to cause frequency interference.