Acme Kitchenettes Koolmaster PP-32 사용자 설명서

페이지 100
8. Use Static Pressure ?
Set to "Yes" to activate the static
pressure sensor.
9. Static Pressure Set 2.
Select whether the activation of the
second group of static pressure set
points is related to a specific stage
 or to the outside tempera-
(Out T°)
. Refer to section 5.5.2
for further information on this
10.# of Inlets:
Select the proper number of air inlets. Each air inlet is related to a
DWR-F-1A module. Note that this menu only appears if the static
pressure sensor is deactivated on #8 above. Up to 12 air inlet can be
11.# of Auxiliary Outputs
Select the proper number of auxiliary outputs.
12.Auxiliary Output Mode
Select whether auxiliary outputs 1 and 2 operate in Heating or in
Cooling mode. Up to 2 auxiliary outputs can be activated.
13.# of Fan Stages
Set the number of fan stages to the desired value. Up to 16 fan
stages can be activated.
14.# of Stage Programs
Select the number of stage programs that will be used by the control-
ler. Up to 4 programs can be selected:
None =1 program only,
 ab =2 programs,
abc = 3 programs,
abcd = 4 programs
15.# of Heater Stages
Set the number of heater stages to the desired value. Up to 8 heater
stages can be activated.
Use Stat. pres?  Yes
Static Set. 2  Stage
# Inlets          12
# Auxiliary Out.   2
Aux. 1 Mode:    Heat
Aux. 2 Mode:    Cool
# Fan Stages      16
# Stg Programs   abc
# Heater Stages    8