Acer s10 사용자 설명서

페이지 338
1 1   E x c h a n g i n g   a n d   u p d a t i n g   d a t a   u s i n g   H o t S y n c   o p e r a t i o n s
IR HotSync operations
Choose how long the setting will remain in effect:
• To have the setting affect only the next HotSync operation, deselect the 
Default button. Thereafter, the HotSync Actions revert to their default 
• To use a new setting as the default, select the option. Thereafter, whatever 
you selected as the default setting is used when you click the Default button 
in the Custom dialog.
Click OK.
Repeat steps 4 through 8 to change conduit settings for other applications.
Click Done to activate your settings.
IR HotSync operations
Your Acer s10 is equipped with an infrared (IR) port that supports the IrCOMM 
implementation of the standards for infrared communication established by the 
Infrared Data Association (IrDA). This means that not only can you beam data to 
another Palm OS handheld but also to any other device that supports the IrCOMM 
implementation of the IrDA standards. 
But more importantly, your IR port allows you to perform HotSync operations without 
using a cradle. This is very useful if you travel with an infrared-enabled laptop. You 
simply enable infrared communication on your laptop and on your Acer s10, then 
follow the steps"Performing an IR HotSync operation" on page 260. 
Preparing your computer for infrared communication
Before you can perform a HotSync operation using the IR port, the computer you 
want to synchronize with must meet the following requirements:
• The computer must support the IrCOMM implementation of the IrDA 
• The computer must have an enabled infrared port built-in, or an enabled 
infrared device attached to the computer.
Desktop computers are likely to require an infrared device attached to a 
physical COM port. Laptops are likely to have a built-in IR port. 
Check your computer’s documentation to determine if the computer supports 
infrared communication.