Delta Tau GEO BRICK LV 사용자 설명서

페이지 440
Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Synchronizing Turbo PMAC to External Events
The conversion from axis position to motor position involves a scale factor and an offset, with the 
following equation: 
MotorPosition = ScaleFactor * AxisPosition + Offset 
The scale factor is specified in the axis definition statement in counts per engineering unit.  It should be 
constant for an application.  You can specify the scale factor directly in your equation, or you can access 
the actual register that PMAC is using with suggested M-variables: 
; Axis scale factor for X, U, A, B, or C assigned to Motor xx 
; Axis scale factor for Y or V assigned to Motor xx 
; Axis scale factor for Z or W assigned to Motor xx 
The offset is the position bias term, with suggested M-variable Mx64, and units of 1/(Ixx08*32) counts.  
It is set equal to the axis definition offset (usually 0) on power-up/reset and homing.  It can be changed 
after this with on-line command {axis}= or motion program command PSET
For example, with Motor 1 assigned to the X-axis, if you want to set the Compare 1A register to trigger at 
+2.5 engineering units from the axis origin, you can compute motor position in counts as: 
Then you can set the actual compare register with: 
If the expression on the right-hand side of this equation had produced a result 
outside of the range of the compare register, the act of writing to the M-variable 
assigned to this register would truncate the value properly to the 24-bit range so 
that the compare function will work properly.  24-bit signed registers have a range 
of -8,388,608 to +8,388,607.  If you attempted to write a value of +9,388,608 – 
one million counts past the rollover point – into this register, the resulting value 
would be -7,388,608, which would be reached one million counts after the 
Synchronous M-Variable Assignment Outputs 
Synchronous M-variable assignment statements allow outputs to be set and cleared synchronously with 
the start of the next commanded move in the motion program.  Note that the output is synchronous with 
the commanded position, not necessarily the actual position, which can be different due to following 
error.  These statements are discussed in detail in the Computational Features section of this manual.