BlackBerry Research In Motion - Blackberry Server SWD-504685-0330050601-001 사용자 설명서

페이지 93
Retrieving BlackBerry device information
List the applications that are available on one or more BlackBerry devices
To open the command window for the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server User Administration Tool, on the computer that hosts
the tool, on the taskbar, click Start > Programs > BlackBerry Enterprise Server Resource Kit > BlackBerry Enterprise
Server User Administration Tool > BlackBerry Enterprise Server User Administration Tool.
Type BESUserAdminClient <credentials> -handheld_info -apps and the following parameters:
• -u <user_name>
Example: Listing the applications that are available on a BlackBerry device
besuseradminclient -username admin -password password -handheld_info -apps -u “” -b server1
Example: Listing the applications that are available on multiple BlackBerry devices using an input file
besuseradminclient -username admin -password password -handheld_info -apps -i users.txt
Example: Listing the applications that are available on a BlackBerry device in verbose detail
besuseradminclient -username admin -password password -handheld_info -appsfull -u “CN=Sam Moser/O=Server01” -b server1
List the BlackBerry devices that a specific application is installed on
To open the command window for the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server User Administration Tool, on the computer that hosts
the tool, on the taskbar, click Start > Programs > BlackBerry Enterprise Server Resource Kit > BlackBerry Enterprise
Server User Administration Tool > BlackBerry Enterprise Server User Administration Tool.
Type besuseradminclient <credentials> -handheld_info -appname <application_name>.
Example: Listing the applications and reporting them in an output file
besuseradminclient -username admin -password password -handheld_info -appname sports_scores -o sportscores.txt
Retrieve the statistics for BlackBerry devices
To open the command window for the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server User Administration Tool, on the computer that hosts
the tool, on the taskbar, click Start > Programs > BlackBerry Enterprise Server Resource Kit > BlackBerry Enterprise
Server User Administration Tool > BlackBerry Enterprise Server User Administration Tool.
Type besuseradminclient <credentials> -handheld_info -hhstats and the following parameters:
• -u <user_name> or
Administration Guide
Retrieving BlackBerry device information