C. E. Smith 52100 사용자 설명서

페이지 14
the standoff caps and lift the top off without disturbing the bedding of the 
standoffs to the console. 
9.  As you do #7, be sure to turn all 4 swivel feet so the cap is to the outside.  
That way if you ever remove your Ttop for storage you can remove the 
caps and lift the top free of the feet without disturbing the bedding of the 
feet to the deck. 
10. Stand well back from the boat and eye the look of your Ttop uprights 
taking careful note of their inward lean.  About 3 degrees of inward lean on 
each side is usually best. Of course you may decide your boat looks best 
with vertical uprights or some other degree of inward lean. 
11. The mounting bases of the standoffs you select should land squarely on 
the console.  
a.  On boats with extremely curved consoles it may be necessary to 
fabricate tapered mounting shims to achieve a flush mounting base 
fit for your standoffs. 
b. Starboard
® is an excellent material to use for this purpose. 
12. Fit your front V-braces.   
a.  Take out your front V-brace bars and two console mount castings. 
b.  Remove the clamp caps from the brace bar end clamps.   
c.  Hold the clamp up high against an upright tube and hold the 
flattened end near the centerline of the console.  
i.  Look at the clearance between your windshield and the 
brace bar. 
ii.  You may need to move the uprights to get the best 
windshield clearance for the V-braces. 
iii.  You can mount your V-brace clamps on the front or rear 
upright tubes. 
d.  Your windshield angle will determine if you should mount your V-
braces behind the windshield or in front of the windshield.   
i.  If you use the console front casting, choose a location as 
high as possible on the front of the console.