Tyan S7016 S7016WGM3NR 사용자 설명서

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페이지 92
PM timers (Power Management timers): software timers that count down the 
number of seconds or minutes until the system times out and enters sleep, suspend, 
or doze mode. 
PnP (Plug-n-Play): a design standard that has become ascendant in the industry. 
Plug-n-Play devices require little set-up to use. Novice end users can simply plug 
them into a computer that is running on a Plug-n-Play aware operating system 
(such as Windows 98), and go to work. Devices and operating systems that are not 
Plug-n-Play require you to reconfigure your system each time you add or change 
any part of your hardware. 
RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks): a way for the same data to be 
stored in different places on many hard drives. By using this method, the data is 
stored redundantly, also the multiple hard drives will appear as a single drive to the 
operating system. RAID level 0 is known as striping, where data is striped (or 
overlapped) across multiple hard drives, but offers no fault-tolerance. RAID level 1 
is known as mirroring, which stores the data within at least two hard drives, but 
does not stripe. RAID level 1 also allows for faster access time and fault-tolerance, 
since either hard drive can be read at the same time. RAID level 0+1 is both striping 
and mirroring, providing fault-tolerance, striping, and faster access all at the same 
RAIDIOS: stands for RAID I/O Steering, a type of RAID technology from Intel. 
RAIDIOS is a specification used to enable an embedded I/O controller, embedded 
on the motherboard, to be used as just an I/O controller or to be the I/O component 
of a hardware RAID subsystem. The RAIDIOS circuit allows an I/O Processor 
(either embedded on the motherboard or on an add-in card) to configure the I/O 
controller and service the I/O controller’s interrupts. The I/O controller and the I/O 
Processor together are two of the primary components of a hardware RAID 
RAM (Random Access Memory): technically refers to a type of memory where 
any byte can be accessed without touching the adjacent data, is often used to refer 
to the system’s main memory. This memory is available to any program running on 
the computer. 
ROM (Read-Only Memory): a storage chip which contains the BIOS; the basic 
instructions required to boot the computer and start up the operating system. 
SATA (Serial ATA): is an evolutionary replacement for the Parallel ATA physical 
storage interface. Serial ATA is a drop-in solution in that it is compatible with today’s 
software and operating systems.  It will provide for systems which are easier to 
design, with cables that are simpler to route and install, smaller cable connectors, 
and lower voltage requirements. 
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic RAM): called as such because it can keep two 
sets of memory addresses open simultaneously. By transferring data alternately 
from one set of addresses and then the other, SDRAM cuts down on the delays