Alsoft DiskWarrior - 2.0 지침 매뉴얼

페이지 92
DiskWarrior Report Messages
 Chapter 3: Troubleshooting and Error Messages
Locked Disk Name: The disk has a setting that prohibits you from renaming it. This repair allows 
the disk to be renamed.
Media Errors: These can be evidence of bad blocks on the disk, a hardware defect, or problems 
with termination or cabling. Some data may be missing because it could not be read from disk.
Missing Folder: References to these folders were found, but the actual folders were missing or 
damaged. Recreating these folders allows access to any files and folders within them.
Modification Date: This is a date that is part of the directory information for each disk, file and 
folder that indicates the date and time a disk, file or folder was last altered.
More Items: These folders have more items in the replacement directory than they had in the 
original directory. This is usually the result of lost files being recovered.
Name: This is text that is part of the directory information for each disk, file and folder and 
uniquely identifies a file or folder within its enclosing folder.
Overlapping Contents: Overlapping files are files that occupy portions of the disk already occu-
pied by another file. These files will be relocated 
after replacing the directory
. You must inspect 
these files to determine which of them had been overwritten and damaged. Be aware that open-
ing damaged files can cause the computer to crash.
Oversized Thread: Threads are used as a shortcut for accessing files and folders. Repairs reclaim 
wasted space within the directory.
Record Type: Every item in the directory has a record type that identifies it as a file, folder or 
thread. Repairs make the files and folders accessible.
Recovered Files: These are files that had an entry in an inaccessible portion of the directory. 
These files may have been lost or thrown away. You must inspect these files to determine the ex-
tent of any damage. You must also determine whether these files should be discarded.
Rescued Items Folder: Orphaned files and folders don't belong to any folder. They have been re-
located to this folder to make them accessible.
Reserved Fields: These are for future expansion of the Mac OS filing system and are required to 
be zero. Repairs prevent a future version of the Mac OS from having difficulties with these files.