Avocent MPX 1550 Receiver MPX1550R-001 전단

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High-Definition (HD) Access Point (AP) for Large Venue Applications
The Avocent Emerge MPX1550 AP HD access point allows AV professionals to deliver 
IP-based audio video extension solutions for large-scale venues involving multiple floors, 
departments and/or buildings such as universities, theme parks, hospitals and airports. The 
MPX 1550AP access point works with MPX 1550T transmitters and MPX 1550R receivers to 
comprise the Emerge multipoint HD wired/wireless extender system (MPX extender system). 
The MPX extender system solution extends audio, video, serial and IR signals from a source to 
widely-distributed display devices. Video support includes HDMI™, DVI-D, VGA, and YPbPr. 
Audio support includes HDMI audio and unbalanced analog audio. Serial and IR pass through 
allows for control of source and display devices. Central management is provided through an 
on-board Web server.
The MPX 1550AP access point is a hybrid device that interconnects MPX receivers with an 
MPX transmitter. This connectivity occurs across normal IP networks. MPX access points 
leverage copper, fiber and wireless IP networks that span multiple floors or buildings to bind 
with an MPX transmitter. MPX receivers at these diverse locations are then able to bind with 
the MPX access point in a wired or wireless manner. Acting as a remote agent for the MPX 
transmitter, the access point forwards video, audio, serial and IR data from the transmitter to its 
bound receivers. Retransmissions are handled locally by MPX access points, thus minimizing 
the burden on the MPX transmitter and wired network.
The MPX transmitters, receivers and access points are pre-configured with IP addresses 
that allow for proper communication among a single transmitter and its associated access 
points and receivers across a private switched LAN or VLAN network. Custom IP address 
configuration settings are provided, however, to allow an MPX transmitter to share a LAN  
with other MPX transmitters or third-party devices.
Features and Benefits
Access Point Functionality.  
Allows the creation of large-scale 
video extension solutions that  
span multiple floors, departments  
and/or buildings. AV extension 
networks allow for centralization 
of source devices for ease of 
installation, monitoring, upgrades,  
and maintenance.
Combined Wired and Wireless. 
Solutions consisting of wired 
and wireless connectivity provide 
reliability of wiring where it is 
applicable, as well as the cost 
efficiencies of wireless installation. 
Users are able to reap the benefits 
of both types of connectivity in the 
same installation.
Multipoint Distribution. 
Allows a 
single MPX transmitter to provide 
signals to 64 displays.
IP Configuration.
 Configurable IP 
addresses allow MPX extender 
systems to leverage existing 
IP networks. This can save 
considerable expense in multi- 
site venues.
AES 128 Bit Encryption.
visual information is encrypted 
with built-in Advanced Encryption 
Standard (AES) for secure 
IR Control.
 Supports broadcast 
and bidirectional IR data transfers 
for session control from the point of 
display or for display control from the 
location of the source device. Mini-
jack cables allow IR blasters and 
receivers to be optimally placed.
Web Control Interface.
 Allows local 
or remote control and configuration 
of the system without special 
software tools.
Serial Interface. 
Allows integration 
with third-party control systems.
HD Access Point
HD Access Point for Large Venue Applications
The Avocent Emerge MPX1550AP HD access point allows AV professionals to deliver IP-based
audio video extension solutions for large-scale venues involving multiple floors, departments,
and/or buildings such as universities, theme parks, hospitals, and airports. Combined with
Avocent IP-wired/wireless MPX1550 HD transmitters and receivers, the solution extends audio,
video, serial, and IR signals from a source to widely-distributed display devices. Video support
includes HDMI™, DVI-D, VGA, and YPbPr. Audio support includes HDMI audio and unbalanced
analog audio. Serial and IR pass through allows for control of source and display devices. Central
management is provided through an onboard web server.
The MPX1550AP is a hybrid device that interconnects MPX receivers with an MPX transmitter.
This connectivity occurs across normal IP networks. MPX access points leverage copper, fiber,
and wireless IP networks that span multiple floors or buildings to bind with an MPX transmitter.
MPX receivers at these diverse locations are then able to bind with the MPX access point in a
wired or wireless manner. Acting as a remote agent for the MPX transmitter, the access point
forwards video, audio, serial, and IR data from the transmitter to its bound receivers.
Retransmissions are handled locally by MPX access points, thus minimizing the burden on the
MPX transmitter and wired network.
MPX extenders (transmitters, receivers, and access points) are pre-configured with IP addresses
that allow for proper communication among a single transmitter and its associated MPX access
points and receivers across a private switched LAN or VLAN network. Custom IP address
configuration settings are provided, however, to allow an MPX transmitter to share a LAN with
other MPX transmitters or third-party devices.
F E A T U R E S   A N D B E N E F I T S
Emerge MPX1550AP HD access point is ideally-suited for use in large venue applications that
require one-to-many distribution and centralization of source devices. Large venue applications
include: universities, theme parks, airports, raliways, casinos, shopping malls, hospitality,
corporate signage, and cinemas.
HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia
Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of
HDMI Licensing LLC.
Access Point Functionality. Allows the
creation of large-scale video extension solutions
that span multiple floors, departments, and/or
buildings. AV extension networks allow for
centralization of source devices for ease of
installation, monitoring, upgrade, and
Combined Wired and Wireless. Solutions
consisting of wired and wireless connectivity
provide reliability of wiring where it is applicable,
as well as the cost efficiencies of wireless
installation. Users are able to reap the benefits
of both types of connectivity in the same
Multipoint Distribution. Allows a single MPX
transmitter to provide signals to 64 displays.
IP Configuration. Configurable IP addresses
allow MPX extenders to leverage existing IP
networks. This can save considerable expense in
multi-site venues.
AES 128 Bit Encryption. Audio-visual
information is encrypted with built-in Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) for secure
IR Control. Supports broadcast and bi-
directional IR data transfers for session control
from the point of display or for display control
from the location of the source device. Mini-jack
cables allow IR blasters and receivers to be
optimally placed.
Web Control Interface. Allows local or remote
control and configuration of the system without
special software tools.
Serial Interface. Allows integration with third
party control systems.
MPX1550AP Access Point
Emerge MPX 1550AP HD access point is ideally-suited 
for use in large venue applications that require one-to-
many distribution and centralization of source devices. 
Large venue applications include: universities, theme 
parks, airports, railways, casinos, shopping malls, 
corporate signage and cinemas.
MPX 1550AP
MPX 1550AP
Emerge® MPX 1550AP 
High Definition Access Point