Marvel 30WCMBSGR 시작 가이드

페이지 12
Keypad Lockout Feature (Loc)
This feature is useful for prohibiting changes in the 
temperature set point or accidentally turning the unit 
off.  Press and hold the “SET” key to display the cur-
rent “Loc” setting.  If “No” is displayed, Lockout is 
OFF and all keys are enabled.  If “Yes” is displayed, 
Lockout is ON and the “ON/OFF”, “WARMER”, and 
“COLDER” keys are disabled.  However, the key tones 
remain enabled.  While holding the “SET” key, press 
the “WARMER” or “COLDER” key to select the desired 
state.  Release the “SET” key to confirm the selection.  
NOTE: The Information/Lockout Key “SET” remains 
enabled regardless of the “Loc” setting.
Warning Alarms
Your wine cellar has been fitted with a 
refrigeration monitor.  This monitor will let you know if your 
cellar is not functioning properly for optimum wine storage.
Door Ajar Alarm
If the door has been left open for over five minutes, the 
alarm will sound in one second intervals.  The display 
panel will flash “Do” and the LED light will be a steady 
amber color.  This will stop as soon as the door is closed.
High and Low Temperature
If your unit reaches an unacceptable temperature outside 
of your set point for more than one hour, the alarm will 
sound in one second intervals.  The display panel will flash 
either “Hi” or “Lo” depending upon the condition and the 
LED light will be a steady amber color.  “Hi” indicates that 
the temperature is 10 degrees F above the set point and 
“Lo” indicates that the temperature is 10 degrees F below 
the set point.  These alarms will warn you that your wines 
have seen temperatures that may not be conducive for long 
term storage.  The alarm will remain active until the condi-
tion is corrected.
NOTE: During initial appliance start-up, the high tem-
perature alarm may sound until the interior temperature 
reaches set point.
Alarm Codes
The control monitors and stores select unit parameters 
and will display error codes with sound each time a fault 
is detected.  See reference below for a description of each 
error code.
Error Code Detection Reference
Error Code
Door Open
High Temperature
Low Temperature
Sensor Fault
Condenser Coil Cleaning Recommended
Audible Alarm Mute
Press any key to mute the audible portion of an alarm 
condition.  Alarm sound is only muted, not disabled.  If 
the condition(s) that caused the alarm(s) continue, visual 
indication will continue and alarm sound will periodically 
continue for 20 seconds every 60 minutes.