Sweex Wireless LAN PC Card 54 Mbps LC500050/60/70 사용자 설명서

제품 코드
페이지 4
English version
Key Length
You can choose between a 64-bit or a 128-bit key. The longer the key you use (128-bit), the
greater the security level. As noted earlier, greater security will cause a slight impairment in
performance. From the point of view of security, a higher encryption protocol is advisable.
Default Key ID
You can specify up to 4 different WEP keys. In this field you specify which key (1 to 4) you want
to be used as the default. For example, you can set in the profile that key 1 is used for home and
key 2 in the office.
Key 1 t/m Key 4
Here you should specify the encryption key you want. If you choose 64-bit encryption, you should
enter 10 characters, which must fall within the following range: A to F or a to f or 0 to 9. An
example of a 64-bit key is: 0123456aef. 
With 128-bit encryption you should enter a key of
26 characters. Again the characters should fall within the following range: A to F or a to f or
0 to 9. An example of a 128-bit key is: 01234567890123456789abcdef.
Power Saving Mode
Enable auto power saving
If you check this option, the 11g device will attempt to handle the necessary power as efficiently as
possible. This is not so important on a desktop computer, but notebook users can use this option to
increase the usage time of their battery. You can set Power Saving mode on a scale from 1 to 4. 1
means little power saving and 4 means optimum power saving. You should bear in mind that
optimum power saving will cause a slight impairment in performance. 
Fragmentation Threshold 
This setting determines the maximum size of a data packet. If the value is greater than the setting
you select here, the data packet will be split into two or more separate packets. If you set this
value too low, error messages may be generated. 
RTS/CTS Threshold
Here you specify the maximum size of a data packet to emit an RTS/CTS (Request To Send/ Clear
To Send) signal. If a data packet is smaller than the value you set here, no RTS/CTS will be sent
but the data packet will be sent directly to the wireless network.
For a comprehensive description of the functions of this Sweex wireless 11g card, please refer to the 
English manual on the CD-ROM.
English version
W W W . S W E E X . C O M
Advanced Setting
Click on this button to display the screen for advanced settings such as Power Saving Mode.
Click on this button to display comprehensive information about the version of the software driver,
firmware, MAC address etc. 
WEP settings 
As stated earlier, it is important to secure your wireless network against potential misuse. For example, you would not appreciate it if your
neighbour used your wireless network to surf the Internet at your expense. You can set up your 11g device for 64 or 128-bit encryption. We
advise you to opt for 128-bit encryption.. The use of WEP (Wireless Encryption Protocol) requires extra computing power so performance will be
a little lower than without WEP. However, in practice this will be barely noticeable.
Authentication Mode
The authorisation mode should be the same throughout the wireless network. This means that if
your access point is set to Shared Key, you must also set your 11g device to Shared Key.
Open System – This setting means that no authorisation is required to use the wireless
Shared Key – Only computers using the correct WEP setting (key) can link to the wireless
Auto – If you choose this option, the 11g device itself will decide whether or not authorisation
using a WEP key should be used. The WEP key, of course, must be set correctly.