Rose electronic 2xE 사용자 설명서

페이지 84
Click “OK” when all values have been entered.  The HyperTerminal 
dialog box will display and information can be exchanged with the 
UltraMatrix switch properly. You can save this setup so the next time its 
needed, you can select the ICON with the name you gave it and these 
settings will already be established. 
Starting a serial communication session 
Verify that “Connected” appears in the bottom left corner of the 
HyperTerminal window. If “Connected” is not present, click on the “Call” 
icon.  “Connected” should display in the bottom left corner. 
Power on or cycle power on the UltraMatrix switch and press the 
spacebar when the message, “Hit the spacebar within 5 seconds to get 
serial options menu” appears on your screen. The serial menu will 
appear after the diagnostic check completes. If unrecognizable 
characters appear, the baud rate set on the UltraMatrix switches serial 
port and the baud rate set on your computers COM port are not set to 
the same value.  Disconnect from the UltraMatrix by clicking on the 
“Disconnect” ICON.  Change the baud rate on your terminal or 
computers communication program from 9600 (set previously) to 
57,600. Re-connect by clicking on the “Call” ICON.  Cycle power on the 
UltraMatrix switch, press the space bar, and the serial option menu will 
display and should be legible.  The serial menu (Figure 21) enables 
you to perform certain configuration settings and perform flash 
upgrades. Following explains the serial menu options: 
Figure 21. Serial menu
UM - HyperTerminal 
Serial options menu 
Change starting computer number … 1 
Change the serial port baud rate 
… 9600 
Receive new main program or kernel from serial port (this card only)   
Send this unit’s main program to other units 
Send this unit’s kernel to other units 
Reset configuration data to factory defaults (this card only) 
Save changes made in 1 and 2 (this card only) 
Exit (restart the unit) 
Enter choice - - > 
File Edit View  Call  Transfer Help 
 Connected 0:03:00   Auto detect    9600 8-N-1   Scroll      CAPS   NUv   Capture  Print echo