Quatech SS-BLT-400 사용자 설명서

페이지 18
PIN code is for the purpose of security consideration during as like a 
pass key. Device uses this “PIN Code” to identify during connecting 
and communication. 
F. Role 
Role is for identifying a role of the device as a master or slave. The 
item of “Role” is chose “Master”. The device will be play like a DTE 
mode - Data Terminal Equipment (such as a PC). If the item of “Role” 
is chose “Slave” and the device will be play like a DCE - Data 
Communication Equipment (such as a Modem). You can setup this 
Bluetooth to Serial Converter as what type of the RS232 device you 
are going to connect in DTE or DCE mode to work with it. 
G. Discoverable 
The item of discoverable is for allowing (or not ) the device is detected 
by other Bluetooth devices. 
H. Baud Rate 
The item of baud rate is for the pack transmission speed. The baud 
rate range is from 120 bps~115.2K bps and depend on transmission 
distance and environments. Normally, the parameter of baud rate is 
sat around 9600 bps.   
I. Handshake(DSR/DTR) 
The item of handshake is set at the “Disable” item. 
J. Stop 
The item of stop bit is set at the “One Bit” item.   
K. Parity 
The item of parity is set at the “None” item.