Samsung Q35 사용자 설명서

페이지 157
Chapter 2. Introducing Windows
Understanding the Desktop
The Desktop is the working area on the computer. It consists of the large workspace,
which is more or less the entire the screen and a Taskbar at the bottom.
Start Button
Opens the Start Menu.
Displays programs that are currently running. 
Frequently used icons can be placed here. 
Recycle Bin
Deleted files or folders end up here.
Language Bar
Enables switching between English/other languages
text inputs and provides other text input services.
Start Menu
Start Button
System Tray with Clock
Language Bar
Recycle Bin
Desktop Icons
You can directly
launch a program.
r65-hk_ch2  2006.1.2 2:47 PM  페이지3   1000 Dolev-2540-Color-S  T