Archos FM Recorder 128 MB MP3 Player/Recorder/FM Stereo Radio 사용자 설명서

페이지 29
How to Change the Recording Bit Rate and Sampling Resolution 
These settings allow you to control the quality of the recording. There are default bit rate settings in the Record Submenu in SETTINGS. Go to the 
main menu by clicking on the Mode button 
. Click on the left button to go to the SETTINGS mode. Once there, scroll down with the down 
to highlight the Record submenu. Click the Right button to enter into this submenu. Here, you will find all the recording presets. See 
also Appendix B for technical details.  
There are two default recording bit rate settings. Rec bit rate for the Radio and Line-in recordings, and mic bit rate for microphone recordings. 
Scroll to the menu item and click the Left 
 and Right 
 buttons to increase or decrease the setting. You can now click on the mode button to 
return to the Settings menu, and then on Mode again to go back to the Main menu. Remember, when making a recording the traditional way via 
the Recorder Mode (as opposed to Instant-Recording), you can always adjust the recording bit rate and sampling resolution at that time (see the 
instructions on how to record). 
The sampling resolution is changed in the same way. The higher the sampling resolution, the higher the quality of your music or voice will be. 
However, the MP3 file sizes will also be larger. Decreasing the sampling resolution will decrease the sound quality and the MP3 file size. The 
suggested settings for sampling resolution are 44.1 Khz for the Radio/Line-in recordings and 22 Khz for microphone recordings. 
How to make Incremental Recordings 
If you are recording multiple music tracks, for example, from your audio cassette where there are short periods of silence between each song, you 
can use the Incremental Recording feature. Attention: This feature only works in the traditional recording mode, not in Instant-Recording. While 
you are recording, wait until you hear the beginning of the silence between songs. At this moment, click on the right button 
. This will stop and 
close off the first recording, and immediately start a new recording. The name of the new recording will be the previous name with the suffix b. 
Then for the next incremental recording it will be suffixed with the letter c. For example, after making a few incremental recordings, you might 
have MP3 file names of, Rec_07a, Rec_07b, and Rec_07c. Note also, that when the Ondio switches from the end of one incremental recording to 
the beginning of another, it will say Please Wait. Don’t worry, the recording is taking place during this message. 
How to use the Retro-Record Feature 
The Retro-Record feature allows you to record from the radio without missing the beginning of a song. For example, you hear a song that you like 
and would like to record it. You double-click on the Power button which starts an Instant Recording. With the Retro-Record parameter set to On in 
the SETTINGS menu, your Instant Recording actually starts 30 seconds BEFORE you double-clicked, thus capturing the beginning of the song 
that you missed. Later, after you stop your recording (double-click on the Power button again), you will be able to Edit that song to neatly trim 
away the beginning and end of your recording. 
Select song to edit 
Select edit recording 
To edit your song, you must first play it. Once it is playing, hold down on the Mode button 
. If the 
selected song was recorded from the radio AND the Retro-Record setting was on when it was made AND 
the song has not already been edited, only then will there be the option in the QUESTION screen to Edit 
the song. You will have to use the Down button to scroll downward to see it since it will be the last option 
on the list. 
Now comes the tricky part. Once you select the item ‘Edit’, you will go to the EDIT mode and you will 
hear your recording start to play. As shown in the last image here, you are to make your Cut-in (where 
you really want the song to start) and your Cut-out points (where you want the song to end). The Left and 
Right buttons have two functions so be careful. By holding down on either button, you will fast forward 
or fast reverse through the file. When you let go of the button, the music will play normally. When you 
have found the exact spot you would like the Cut-in to happen, give a simple click on the left button. 
Then, let the song continue playing (or fast forward toward the end) and then when you arrive at the point