DISH Network 722_TOC 사용자 설명서

페이지 158
Chapter 6
If the receiver displays a message prompting you to enter a password, the receiver is locked.
If you want to unlock the receiver or any specific lock, use the password for the TV output 
you’re watching. For example, use TV1’s password to unlock TV1’s locks and TV2’s password 
for TV2’s locks.
When you lock a rating, you also lock all other more restrictive ratings. For example, if you lock 
PG-13 rated programs, then all programs with the R, NC-17, and NR/AO ratings are also 
Why didn’t a lock I set take effect? You have to lock the receiver for any lock you set to take 
effect. See page 45 for details.
Why don’t the locks I set for TV2 work? The locks you set on TV2 are not available in 
Single Mode.
What do I do if I forget my password? If you forget your password, you will need to speak 
with a Customer Service Representative.