Franklin RF-8121 사용자 설명서

페이지 67
The Expense manager is available only in RF-8131.
Each Expense record consists of the following fields:
Date, Amount, Expense Type, Payment Type, and
Note. To enter an Expense do the following:
1. Tap 
until you see EXPENSE.
You see DATE? on the screen.
2. Tap 0-9 to enter the expense date.
The date format is what you set in the Home Time,
without the year.
You MUST enter a date if you want to save the
Tap  /
to move the cursor left or right.
3. Tap ENTER to move to the Amount field.
Tap 0-9 and to enter your amount. Tap 
erase the last entered digit.
4. Tap ENTER to move to the Expense Type field.
to cycle through the eight expense
types. Stop when you reach the one you want.
5. Tap ENTER to move to the Payment Type field.
to cycle through the Payment types.
Stop when you reach the type you want.
6. Tap ENTER to move to the Note field.
You can enter a maximum of 108 characters.
You need not enter data in the Note field.
Entering an Expense