Atmel CAVR-4 사용자 설명서

페이지 323
Part 2. Compiler reference
Intrinsic functions
This chapter gives reference information about the intrinsic functions.
The intrinsic functions provide direct access to low-level processor operations 
and can be very useful in, for example, time-critical routines. The intrinsic 
functions compile into inline code, either as a single instruction or as a short 
sequence of instructions.
Intrinsic functions summary
The following table summarizes the intrinsic functions:
Intrinsic function
_ _delay_cycles
Inserts a time delay
_ _disable_interrupt
Disables interrupts
_ _enable_interrupt
Enables interrupts
_ _extended_load_program_memory
Returns one byte from code memory
_ _fractional_multiply_signed
Generates an FMULS instruction
_ _fractional_multiply_signed_
Generates an FMULSU instruction
_ _fractional_multiply_unsigned
Generates an FMUL instruction
_ _indirect_jump_to
Generates an IJMP instruction
_ _insert_opcode
Assigns a value to a processor register
_ _load_program_memory
Returns one byte from code memory
_ _multiply_signed
Generates a MULS instruction
_ _multiply_signed_with_unsigned
Generates a MULSU instruction
_ _multiply_unsigned
Generates a MUL instruction
_ _no_operation
Generates a NOP instruction
_ _require
Sets a constant literal
_ _restore_interrupt
Restores the interrupt flag
_ _reverse
Reverses the byte order of a value
_ _save_interrupt
Saves the state of the interrupt flag
_ _segment_begin
Returns the start address of a segment
Table 72: Intrinsic functions summary