Mamiya 211125 Manual Do Utilizador

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Specifications of 645AF 
Camera Type : 6x4.5cm format, electronically controlled focal-plane shutter, TTL 
    multiple mode AE, AF single lens reflex 
Actual Image Size :  56x41.5 mm 
Film Type :  120 roll film (16 exposures); 
    220 roll film (32 exposures); Polaroid Land Pack Film (requires 
  special HP402 magazine) 
Lens Mount : Mamiya 645 AF Mount, compatible with M645 Mount (manual 
  focus confirmation, focus aid, stopped-down exposure 
Viewfinder : Fixed prism viewfinder magnification x0.71; built-in diopter 
  (-2.5 to +0.5, separate diopter correction lenses provide 
  adjustment ranges of -5 to -2 diopter and 0 to +3 diopter); 
  built-in eye-piece shutter 
Focusing Screen : Interchangeable between Matte (standard) and Checker and 
  Microprism Type C for Non-AF M645 lenses. 
Field of View :  94%* of actual image 
Viewfinder Information  :  Focus mark, out-of-focus direction mark, aperture value, 
  shutter speed, metering mode (A, S, A/S), exposure compen- 
  sation value (difference between set value and actual value) 
  and flash ready / OK lamp with TTL Metz connection. 
AF sub-beam :  activates automatically under low light, low contrast. 
  Range: 9m, Automatic switching to flash unit's built-in sub- 
  beam when Metz flash unit is attached. 
AF Lock :  Half-press on shutter release in S Mode 
Exposure Control Modes: Aperture-priority AE, shutter-priority AE, programmed AE (PH, 
  PL setting possible) 
Metering method : Center-weighted average (AV), spot (S) and variable ratio 
  (1 .5-step A-S auto change by program shift setting), manual 
Setting Steps : Shutter speed and aperture both can be set in half-stop 
  increments; electronic dial lock 
Light Metering :  TTL metering; center-weighted average (AV), spot (SP), and 
  auto A-S variable ratio 
Metering Range :  EV 2 to EV 19 (with IS0 100 film, f/2.8 lens) 
Exposure compensation : ±3 EV (1/3 step) 
Film speed : ISO 25 to 6400 
AE lock : With AEL button; released by pressing twice or shutter 
    operation; light metering value differentiation in viewfinder 
    exposure compensation display when ELS button is held 
    down; ±6EV (1/3 step) 
* This information is based on a linear (horizontal/vertical) measurement. 
         Specifications and features are subject to change without notice. 
Shutter : Electronically controlled vertical metal focal-plane shutter. 
  (vertical travel) 
Shutter speed :  AE 30 to 1/4000 sec. (1/8 step), manual 30 to 1/4000 sec. 
  (1/2 step), X, B (Bulb, electronically controlled), T (time, 
  mechanically controlled), emergency shutter curtain open 
  mechanism (open when magazine is removed, automatically 
  closed when magazine is attached) 
Auto-Bracketing : Enabled with Mode button, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 1-step units 
Flash Synchronization  : 1/125 sec., automatically sets to 1/125 at faster speeds, 
  synchronized to displayed speed at slower speeds (when 
  Metz flash unit is used) 
Flash control :  TTL direct metering, supports Metz SCA3000 system 
  (SCA3951 Adapter) 
Film transport :  Automatic via built-in motor, single or continuous exposures 
Film loading :  Automatic advance to first frame when shutter release button 
  is pressed once (Easy Loading) 
Multiple Exposure : Enabled with Mode button (1 to 5 exposures); can be 
Main LCD panel :  On camera body; shows aperture value, shutter speed value, 
  self-timer, BL (Backlight), battery check, multiple exposure, 
  programmed AE or programmed AE shift value, data 
  imprinting Interchangeable Film Magazine: ISO speed, type 
  of film (120/220), exposure number 
Data Imprinting : 7 segment dot matrix; DATA mode: exposure mode, aperture 
  value, shutter speed value, exposure compensation, 
  metering mode, ID number; DAY mode; year, month, date, 
  time, ID number Switchable between enabled and disabled 
Sync terminal :  X contact (sync speed 1/125 sec.) 
Cable release socket  :  On shutter button 
Remote-control terminal:  On side of body; electromagnetic cable release 
Self-Timer : 3 to 60 sec. (standard: 10 sec., can be set in 1 sec. steps 
  between 3 and 10 sec., and in 10 sec. steps between 10 and 
  60 sec.) 
Depth-of-field confirmation
  :  Preview Button on body 
Tripod Socket :  U 1/4 inch and U 3/8 included 
Power Requirements  :  6 AA-size batteries 
(alkaline-magnesium, lithium) 
Size :  153(W)X128(H)X184(D)mm 
Weiqht :  1,730g(w/o battery)