Gianni Industries DG-25 Manual Do Utilizador

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Copyright Gianni Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.  
P-MU-DG25  Ver. B  Publish:2008.08.01                                                             Page: 2/ 3
3.  The indicator signal chart: 
Sound and LED indicator:  
Green LED
Power on, stand-by  
Relay 1 activated 
LED signal 
Yellow LED 
Relay 2 activated 
1 Beep 
Effective PIN codes 
2 Beeps 
Entering 、Exiting from the Program mode 
3 Beeps 
Data computing error 、 other operation mistakes 
Sound signal 
5 Beeps 
Master Code reset to Factory (12345) 
4. Operation Instruction: 
  Enter Program Mode:  
1.  Compose twice the master code (Factory master is 「12345」)  
→ 2 beeps → you are now in the "programming mode". 
2.  After 60 seconds if you have not entered any codes or data, the system will 
automatically exit from the programming mode. After 32 wrong codes attempts at the 
master code the lockout facility will operate. 
  Exiting from the program mode: 
1. Press「#」 to exit from the programming mode. 
2.  After 60 seconds if you have not entered any codes or data, the system will 
automatically exit from the programming mode. After 32 wrong codes attempts at the 
master code the lockout facility will operate. 
  Add PIN codes  
Enter the Programming mode, Enter the slot position code 「*001~*099」→????? 
Input 5 digit PIN codes→ (beep) enrolled Æ(repeat) 
Press 「#」 to exit from the programming mode, or program other operating. 
Note 1:
 The codes「00000」,「12345」or master code are not be used for PIN code. 
Note 2:
 Relay 1 is controlled by 001~049 user slots, Relay 2 is controlled by 050~099 
user slots 
  To Delete a User Code: 
Enter the Programming mode→ Press the slot position code of your choice to delete 
(example "06") →Press「*006」→「00000」→(beep)→delete→Press「#」 to exit 
from the programming mode, or programming other operating.
  To Program Relocking Timer 
Enter the Programming mode, 
A. Relay 
1:Press「*100」Followed by the number of seconds the relay should 
open→「05」=5 seconds(01 ~99 = seconds)→(beep)→enrolled → Press 
#」 to exit from the programming mode, or program other operating. 
B. Enter「00」Sets the relay to latching mode.
(Correct code entered opens the relay, 
and the relay stays open until the correct code is entered again). 
C. Relay 
2:Press「*200」Followed by the number of seconds the relay should 
open)→「05 =5 seconds (01 ~99 = seconds).  →(beep)→enrolled → Press 
#」 to exit from the programming mode, or program other operating. 
D. Enter「00」Sets the relay to latching mode.
(Correct code entered opens the relay, 
and the relay stays open until the correct code is entered again).