Carrier GT-PX Manual Do Utilizador

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Carrier Indoor & Outdoor Split Geothermal Heat Pumps - Rev.: 08/10/05
Geothermal Advantages
Geothermal systems transfer heat from a build ing 
to the earth in the cooling mode, or from the 
earth to the building in the heating mode. Water 
is used as the heat transfer medium, either in a 
closed loop piping system, or by directly pumping 
well water. By using this stable thermal source, 
geothermal heat pumps provide energy effi cient 
comfort year around.
Highest Effi ciency
The extremely high levels of effi ciency are 
possible because a geothermal heat pump only 
uses electricity to move heat, not produce it. A 
geothermal unit typically supplies 4 kilo watts of 
heat for every kilowatt of elec tric i ty used. Three of 
these kilo watts of heat come directly from the earth 
itself, and are clean, free, and renewable. Overall, 
geothermal technology offers the highest cooling 
EER’s and heating COP’s available in the industry. 
Most systems also include a hot water generator, 
which diverts a portion of the supplied heat to the 
domestic water heater. This provides a substantial 
portion of a family’s hot water needs at a very low 
cost. Overall, geothermal technology offers the 
highest cooling EER’s and heating COP’s available in 
the industry.
Maximum Comfort
Geothermal heat pumps also provide higher 
comfort levels than traditional space conditioning 
equipment. By using a relatively warm source of 
heat such as the earth, supply air temperatures 
are signifi cantly higher in the heating mode than 
traditional air-source heat pumps. Geo ther mal 
heat pumps also cycle much less often than fossil 
furnaces, creating a consistent indoor temperature 
with comfortable relative humidity. 
Environmentally Friendly
The environmental advantages of geothermal 
systems have caught the eye of governmental 
agencies such as the En vi ron men tal Pro tec tion 
Agency (EPA) and the De part ment of Energy 
(DOE). Because it is lowest in CO
geothermal tech nol o gy provides a solution to global 
warming by primarily using the natural energy 
of the earth. In contrast, traditional space 
conditioning systems depend upon the exploitation 
and burning of fossil energy sources with the 
resultant greenhouse gas emis sions. Also, Puron
HFC 410A refrigerant is used in the GT-PX series 
equipment for minimum global warming impact and 
zero ozone depletion.
Better Investment
Low life-cycle costs are provided by the low 
op er at ing and maintenance costs of geothermal 
systems, even when the higher initial in stal la tion costs 
are considered. In new con struc tion, monthly energy 
savings typically exceed the increased mort gage 
payments. Therefore, cash fl ow can be positive from 
the start. In retrofi t systems, a buyer who purchases 
with cash usually realizes a return on in vest ment 
well above certifi cate of deposit rates. And, with 
equip ment life ex ceed ing 20 years, a Carrier 
geothermal system is a lasting in vest ment.
Electric utilities, recognizing the dual benefi ts of 
high effi ciency and low electric peak demand, often 
provide incentives to purchase these systems.
Before choosing a geothermal system, many 
application factors must be evaluated including: 
• Ground water availability and quality
• Loop installation costs
• Land area available
• Sub-soil conditions
• Local codes
• Owner preferences
Carrier dealers have the expertise and computer 
software to determine the best type of system. 
Many regions have contractors specializing in the 
in stal la tion of the ground loop portion of the system.